Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)1
Non-Codex Series, loc_fam_book_family_6969350
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)1
loc_fam_book_family_6969350, Non-Codex Series
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (III)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (III)1
loc_fam_book_family_6969350, Non-Codex Series
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (IV)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (IV)1
loc_fam_book_family_6969350, Non-Codex Series
items per Page
Table of Content
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (III)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (IV)

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)NameAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, loc_fam_book_family_6969350
DescriptionAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (I)
Angakuk, Mighty Wayob, collective consciousness and guardian of the past, will without form or thought...
My whole life have I spent in pursuit... that silent... place deeper than the deepest valley...
Now my life nears its end, Angakuk, otherwise known as the will of the Wayob...
Let the birds carry me away, just as they would a branch...
Carry me away, to the place where all souls become one, to be reunited with my friends.

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)NameAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Familyloc_fam_book_family_6969350, Non-Codex Series
DescriptionAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)
Angakuk, Angakuk.
Where will I hear that voice from beneath the earth...
Or a rumbling from even deeper underground. If you will it so, send forth an envoy.
Before dawn's first light, we shall take up arms to quell the Night Kingdom's unrest.
When I am ready, Angakuk, make your warrior manifest, Angakuk.

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (III)

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (III)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (III)NameAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (III)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Familyloc_fam_book_family_6969350, Non-Codex Series
DescriptionAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (III)
Angakuk, Angakuk.
In the Night Kingdom, I am you, and you are me. Let me see you in the mirror...
Or may you see me there instead, then place the stone with markings unerased beneath my feet.
From the mirror, place the stone beneath my feet, Angakuk.

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (IV)

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (IV)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (IV)NameAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (IV)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Familyloc_fam_book_family_6969350, Non-Codex Series
DescriptionAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (IV)
Angakuk, Angakuk.
Call forth the winds, then take both my hands, and with feverish fervor, let them pass through the gaps between the blazing flames.
If you can hear me, great Wayob, take my hands.
Then in them place the fruit, the ripened fruit, to serve as a testament!

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