| Displayed Name | Domain of Blessing: Roaring Fire |
Sub | Liyue |
Allows Multiplayer? | INVOLVE_SINGLE_MULTIPLE |
Recommended Party Level | 59 |
Required AR | 30 |
Entry Cost | 20 |
Recommended Elements | |
Disorders | (test)在敌人身上触发草元素相关反应时,或对敌人造成绽放伤害使敌人全元素抗性降低XX%
(test)击鼓传花:特定怪物在创生时身上有一个“定时炸弹“,当时间到时会爆炸,对周围一定范围造成伤害;当存在期间被击杀后或者存续时间到后,会传递到场上残余的最近的一只怪物身上,重新开始计时,但每次传递之后倒计时会越来越短,最终爆炸伤害会越来越高。初次时间为①秒,伤害系数为②,每次传递缩短③秒,伤害系数提高④,最多累加⑤次。另外附加血攻词缀,与机制词缀共同由关卡传参 |
Description | The Ley Line Monolith inside this ancient Ley Line Altar is coveted by the monsters crowding the altar. You shall earn priceless Artifacts if you protect the Ley Line Monolith from the monsters by using the power of Hydro to extinguish their raging blaze. |
So I guess 5.3 will keep us hostage for at least 9 weeks?