The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings

The Morn a Thousand Roses BringsNameThe Morn a Thousand Roses Brings
TitleChapter III: Act II
Secondary TitleSumeru
Required AR35
SubArchon Quests


The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival
The Coming of the Sabzeruz FestivalThe Sabzeruz Festival is about to begin. As agreed, you return to Sumeru City to find Dunyarzad and take part in the festival together.•Go to Sumeru City
•Find Dunyarzad
•Go to Dunyarzad's arranged accommodation
•Talk to Paimon
•Go to the appointed place and talk to Dunyarzad
•Follow Dunyarzad
•Talk to Dunyarzad
•Give the divination materials to Kimiya
•Talk to Kimiya
•Follow Dunyarzad
•Talk to Dunyarzad
•Return to the nearby quarters
•Talk to the Eremites
•Escape within the time limit
•Talk to Dunyarzad
•Take Dunyarzad somewhere nearby and rest
•Take Dunyarzad somewhere nearby and rest
•Go to the Grand Bazaar and see the Dance of Sabzeruz
•Return to the accommodation and rest
•Talk to Paimon
Adventure EXP775
Hero's Wit3
Mystic Enhancement Ore5
The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival
The Arrival of the Sabzeruz FestivalAs agreed, you go to the festival with Dunyarzad and others... Wait... This feels somewhat familiar...•Talk to Paimon
•Talk to Paimon
•Go to the appointed place and talk to Dunyarzad
•Follow Dunyarzad
•Talk to Dunyarzad
•Follow Dunyarzad
•Talk to Dunyarzad
•Go to Lambad's Tavern
•Leave Lambad's Tavern
•Talk to Dunyarzad
•Go to the Grand Bazaar and see the Dance of Sabzeruz
•Return to the accommodation and rest
Adventure EXP575
Hero's Wit2
Mystic Enhancement Ore4
The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival
The Continuation of the Sabzeruz FestivalYou come to attend today's Sabzeruz Festival, but you are haunted by a lingering sense of déjà vu...•Talk to Paimon
•Talk to Paimon
•Go to the appointed place and talk to Dunyarzad
•Talk to Dunyarzad
•Follow the familiar figure
•Follow the familiar figure
•Follow the familiar figure
•Talk to the mysterious girl
•Ask around for clues about the current situation
•Ask around for clues about the current situation
•Talk to Dehya
•Bring Dehya to Nahida
Adventure EXP625
Hero's Wit2
Mystic Enhancement Ore4
The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival
The Samsara of the Sabzeruz FestivalNow you know very well that this is not the first time you have attended the Sabzeruz Festival. To save Dunyarzad, you must find a way to get to the bottom of the truth.•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Dehya
•Talk to Nahida
Adventure EXP450
Adventurer's Experience7
Mystic Enhancement Ore3
The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival
The Causality of the Sabzeruz FestivalThe samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival continues. Are you really getting close to the truth?•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Dehya
•Go and check the evidence Dehya mentioned
•Talk to Nahida
Adventure EXP450
Adventurer's Experience7
Mystic Enhancement Ore3
The End of the Sabzeruz Festival
The End of the Sabzeruz FestivalDiscovering the truth behind the samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival is not enough. You still need to find a way to break out of it. The good news is, you now see a glimmer of hope...•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Farris, the Knight of Flowers
•Return to the accommodation
•Defeat all the ambushing Eremite members
•Talk to Paimon
•Talk to "Dunyarzad"
•Watch the Dance of Sabzeruz
•Talk to Paimon
•Find Dunyarzad
•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Nahida
Adventure EXP725
Memory of Flourishing Green1
Hero's Wit3
Mystic Enhancement Ore5
The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival
The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz FestivalIn your memory, you never seem to have tried to go outside the city, which is curious.
Today you decide to try...
•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Nahida
•Head to the city gate to find a way out
•Talk to Nahida
•Talk to Nahida
•Organize your thoughts on the familiar bench in the city
•Talk to Nahida
Adventure EXP625
Hero's Wit2
Mystic Enhancement Ore4
items per Page


Adventure EXP
Adventure EXP3
Currencyx 4225
Currencyx 169875
Hero's Wit
Hero's Wit4
Character Ascension Item, Character EXP Itemx 12
Mystic Enhancement Ore
Mystic Enhancement Ore3
Crafted Item, Weapon Ascension Item, Weapon EXP Itemx 28
Currencyx 90
Adventurer's Experience
Adventurer's Experience3
Character Ascension Item, Character EXP Itemx 14
Memory of Flourishing Green
Memory of Flourishing Green5
x 1
items per Page
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