So, amazing news! Those videos was irrelevant and she has 16s duration at C0, so she can be E bot. ...
Why couldn't they make her more off-field focused at Mavuika
Looking at her kit i don't even get the point of having the tap version of skill. Her entire kit, h...
Trailblazers, assemble! Live updated to 5.2. Audio added. Beta semi-updated to 5.3. Vids yet. No traveler yet.
Large Geo Slime
Large Geo Slime
New Entry
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A slime that uses a sturdy Geo Ward to protect itself. If you use heavy Geo attacks, a claymore, or strong explosions, you should be able to break through its defenses...
A slime that uses a sturdy Geo Ward to protect itself. If you use heavy Geo attacks, a claymore, or strong explosions, you should be able to break through its defenses...
She is so weak close to useless. Definitely easy skip. She did not provide huge improvement like an...