Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation

Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation
Mutual Security Enhancing SimulationNameMutual Security Enhancing Simulation
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Amount of Tips8
DescriptionAfter selecting a combat unit, it can be deployed within your base's staging area. When you are selecting combat units, you can jump to cancel your selection.
After combat units have been deployed, they will automatically engage the enemy.

Table of Content
Tip #1
Tip #2
Tip #3
Tip #4
Tip #5
Tip #6
Tip #7
Tip #8

Tip #1

After selecting a combat unit, it can be deployed within your base's staging area. When you are selecting combat units, you can jump to cancel your selection.
After combat units have been deployed, they will automatically engage the enemy.

Tip #2

Leadership Skill usages will be replenished over time, and may have up to 2 usages at once.
Tap to use the Skill immediately or hold to aim the Skill. While aiming, Sprint or Jump to cancel using it.

Tip #3

Different types of combat units suppress other types of units: AoE DMG units have a significant advantage against squad units.
At the same time, Melee units suppress Ranged units, Ranged units suppress Flying units, and Flying units suppress Melee units.

Tip #4

Melee units are more resilient in battle, able to absorb more damage and protect other units to an extent.

Tip #5

Defense Scenarios consist of 3 rounds. In each round, enemies will attack from different directions. You must protect your own Stronghold throughout the battle, taking as little damage as possible.

Tip #6

After combat units are defeated, they will drop Support Beacons.
Support Beacons can be used to deploy allied combat units and frontline buildings.

Tip #7

During Defense Scenarios, when deploying combat units, their defensive zones will be visible. Once an opponent enters this zone, the unit will lock onto and initiate combat against them.

Tip #8

During Defense Scenarios, after your combat units are no longer engaged in battle, they will return to the position they were originally deployed to. When deploying, take care to choose appropriately.

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