Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites: III

Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites: III
Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites: IIINameHundred-Pace Hurling Rites: III
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Amount of Tips1
DescriptionConsuming Pots are special Holding Pots created by the organizer. It will constantly move and when in motion, it will touch other Holding Pots and store them within itself. Pots thus consumed will not grant you any points. A Consuming Pot needs to be hit multiple times consecutively to be destroyed. After it is hit 3 times in a row, it will grow smaller. Each hit will award 5 points. Each time a Consuming Pot shrinks, you will gain 20 points, and destroying it completely will award 100 points.

Tip #1

Consuming Pots are special Holding Pots created by the organizer. It will constantly move and when in motion, it will touch other Holding Pots and store them within itself. Pots thus consumed will not grant you any points. A Consuming Pot needs to be hit multiple times consecutively to be destroyed. After it is hit 3 times in a row, it will grow smaller. Each hit will award 5 points. Each time a Consuming Pot shrinks, you will gain 20 points, and destroying it completely will award 100 points.

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