As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute

As the Sunlit Sky's Singing Salute
As the Sunlit Sky's Singing SaluteRelated to Character
DescriptionOn the orders of the President of the Spina di Rosula, call for a magnificent Rosula Dorata Salute. Unleashes a massive cannon bombardment on opponents in front of her, dealing AoE Geo DMG and providing Cannon Fire Support for a duration afterward, periodically dealing Geo DMG to nearby opponents.
When cannon attacks hit opponents, Navia will gain 1 stack of Crystal Shrapnel. This effect can be triggered up to once every 2.4s.

"The Spina di Rosula's salute is a preemptive celebration of the successful conclusion of our negotiations and is fired just before talks begin. Don't misunderstand, it isn't in any way, shape, or form some kind of threat."
Skill DMG75.2%80.84%86.48%94%99.64%105.28%112.8%120.32%127.84%135.36%142.88%150.4%159.8%169.2%178.6%
Cannon Fire Support DMG43.15%46.39%49.62%53.94%57.17%60.41%64.72%69.04%73.36%77.67%81.99%86.3%91.69%97.09%102.48%
Cannon Fire Support Duration12s12s12s12s12s12s12s12s12s12s12s12s12s12s12s
Energy Cost606060606060606060606060606060

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