Normal Attack: Card Force Translocation

Normal Attack: Card Force Translocation
Normal Attack: Card Force TranslocationRelated to Character
DescriptionNormal Attack
Performs up to 4 consecutive shots with a bow.

Plunging Attack
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Charged Attack
Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, flames will run across the arrowhead before being fired. Different effects will occur based on the time spent charging.
·Charge Level 1: Fires off a Pyro-infused arrow, dealing Pyro DMG.
·Charge Level 2: Fires off a Prop Arrow that deals Pyro DMG, and upon hit, it will summon a Grin-Malkin Hat.
When firing the Prop Arrow, and when Lyney has more than 60% HP, he will consume a portion of his HP to obtain 1 Prop Surplus stack. Max 5 stacks. The effect will be removed after the character spends 30s out of combat.
The lowest Lyney can drop to through this method is 60% of his Max HP.

Grin-Malkin Hat
·Can taunt nearby opponents and attract their attacks. Each opponent can only be taunted by the Hat once every 5s.
·The Hat will inherit a percentage of Lyney's Max HP.
·If destroyed, or if its duration expires, it will fire off a Pyrotechnic Strike at 1 nearby opponent, dealing Pyro DMG.
Only 1 Hat can exist at any given time.

Arkhe: Pneuma
At certain intervals, the Prop Arrow will cause a Spiritbreath Thorn to descend upon its hit location, dealing Pneuma-aligned Pyro DMG.
1-Hit DMG38.79%41.94%45.1%49.61%52.77%56.38%61.34%66.3%71.26%76.67%82.08%87.49%92.91%98.32%103.73%
2-Hit DMG38.01%41.11%44.2%48.62%51.71%55.25%60.11%64.97%69.84%75.14%80.44%85.75%91.05%96.36%101.66%
3-Hit DMG27.26% + 27.26%29.48% + 29.48%31.7% + 31.7%34.87% + 34.87%37.09% + 37.09%39.63% + 39.63%43.11% + 43.11%46.6% + 46.6%50.09% + 50.09%53.89% + 53.89%57.69% + 57.69%61.5% + 61.5%65.3% + 65.3%69.11% + 69.11%72.91% + 72.91%
4-Hit DMG56.93%61.57%66.2%72.82%77.45%82.75%90.03%97.31%104.6%112.54%120.48%128.43%136.37%144.32%152.26%
Plunge DMG56.83%61.45%66.08%72.69%77.31%82.6%89.87%97.14%104.41%112.34%120.27%128.2%136.12%144.05%151.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG113.63% / 141.93%122.88% / 153.49%132.13% / 165.04%145.35% / 181.54%154.59% / 193.1%165.16% / 206.3%179.7% / 224.45%194.23% / 242.61%208.77% / 260.76%224.62% / 280.57%240.48% / 300.37%256.34% / 320.18%272.19% / 339.98%288.05% / 359.79%303.9% / 379.59%
Aimed Shot43.86%47.43%51%56.1%59.67%63.75%69.36%74.97%80.58%86.7%92.82%98.94%105.06%111.18%117.3%
Aimed Shot Charge Level 1124%133.3%142.6%155%164.3%173.6%186%198.4%210.8%223.2%235.6%248%263.5%279%294.5%
Prop Arrow DMG172.8%185.76%198.72%216%228.96%241.92%259.2%276.48%293.76%311.04%328.32%345.6%367.2%388.8%410.4%
HP Cost20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP
Grin-Malkin Hat Inherited HP64%68.8%73.6%80%84.8%89.6%96%102.4%108.8%115.2%121.6%128%136%144%152%
Grin-Malkin Hat Duration4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s
Pyrotechnic Strike DMG212%227.9%243.8%265%280.9%296.8%318%339.2%360.4%381.6%402.8%424%450.5%477%503.5%
Spiritbreath Thorn DMG27.55%29.62%31.68%34.44%36.51%38.57%41.33%44.08%46.84%49.59%52.35%55.1%58.55%61.99%65.44%
Spiritbreath Thorn Interval6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s

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