Opening Flourish

Opening Flourish
Opening FlourishRelated to Character
Yun Jin
Yun Jin
DescriptionMs. Yun may just be acting out fights on stage, but her skills with the spear are real enough to defend against her foes.

Flourishes her polearm in a cloud-grasping stance, dealing Geo DMG.

Takes up the Opening Flourish stance and charges up, forming a shield. DMG Absorption is based on Yun Jin's Max HP and has 150% effectiveness against all Elemental DMG and Physical DMG. The shield lasts until she finishes unleashing her Elemental Skill.
When the skill is released, when its duration ends, or when the shield breaks, Yun Jin will unleash the charged energy as an attack, dealing Geo DMG.
Based on the time spent charging, it will either unleash an attack at Charge Level 1 or Level 2.

One glorious moment on-stage, a decade of preparation behind it.
Press DMG149.12% DEF160.3% DEF171.49% DEF186.4% DEF197.58% DEF208.77% DEF223.68% DEF238.59% DEF253.5% DEF268.42% DEF283.33% DEF298.24% DEF316.88% DEF335.52% DEF354.16% DEF
Charge Level 1 DMG260.96% DEF280.53% DEF300.1% DEF326.2% DEF345.77% DEF365.34% DEF391.44% DEF417.54% DEF443.63% DEF469.73% DEF495.82% DEF521.92% DEF554.54% DEF587.16% DEF619.78% DEF
Charge Level 2 DMG372.8% DEF400.76% DEF428.72% DEF466% DEF493.96% DEF521.92% DEF559.2% DEF596.48% DEF633.76% DEF671.04% DEF708.32% DEF745.6% DEF792.2% DEF838.8% DEF885.4% DEF
Shield DMG Absorption12% Max HP + 1155.4312.9% Max HP + 1270.9913.8% Max HP + 1396.1815% Max HP + 153115.9% Max HP + 1675.4516.8% Max HP + 1829.5318% Max HP + 1993.2419.2% Max HP + 2166.5820.4% Max HP + 2349.5421.6% Max HP + 2542.1422.8% Max HP + 2744.3724% Max HP + 2956.2325.5% Max HP + 3177.7227% Max HP + 3408.8428.5% Max HP + 3649.59

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