Juuga: Forward Unto Victory

Juuga: Forward Unto Victory
Juuga: Forward Unto VictoryRelated to Character
DescriptionDisplaying his valor as a general, Gorou deals AoE Geo DMG and creates a field known as General's Glory to embolden his comrades.

General's Glory
This field has the following properties:
· Like the General's War Banner created by Inuzaka All-Round Defense, provides buffs to active characters within the skill's AoE based on the number of Geo characters in the party. Also moves together with your active character.
· Generates 1 Crystal Collapse every 1.5s that deals AoE Geo DMG to 1 opponent within the skill's AoE.
· Pulls 1 elemental shard in the skill's AoE to your active character's position every 1.5s (elemental shards are created by Crystallize reactions).

If a General's War Banner created by Gorou currently exists on the field when this ability is used, it will be destroyed. In addition, for the duration of General's Glory, Gorou's Elemental Skill "Inuzaka All-Round Defense" will not create the General's War Banner.
If Gorou falls, the effects of General's Glory will be cleared.

"We have the high ground!" Gorou can ever so slightly change the terrain of the battlefield to help win victory. This technique has seen him through many battles against seemingly superior opposition.
Skill DMG98.22% DEF105.58% DEF112.95% DEF122.77% DEF130.14% DEF137.5% DEF147.32% DEF157.15% DEF166.97% DEF176.79% DEF186.61% DEF196.43% DEF208.71% DEF220.99% DEF233.26% DEF
Crystal Collapse DMG61.3% DEF65.9% DEF70.49% DEF76.63% DEF81.22% DEF85.82% DEF91.95% DEF98.08% DEF104.21% DEF110.34% DEF116.47% DEF122.6% DEF130.26% DEF137.93% DEF145.59% DEF
Energy Cost808080808080808080808080808080

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