Riding the Night-Rainbow

Riding the Night-Rainbow
Riding the Night-RainbowRelated to Character
DescriptionWith footwork swift as lightning and fierce as thunder, Varesa displays the true spirit of lucha libre, rushing forward a certain distance and dealing Nightsoul-aligned Electro DMG to opponents in her path.
After using this Skill, Varesa gains 20 Nightsoul points and gains the "Follow-Up Strike" effect: Varesa has increased interruption resistance during this time, and upon pressing her Normal Attack, she will quickly unleash a Charged Attack that does not consume Stamina. "Follow-Up Strike" will be canceled after Varesa uses a Charged Attack.
She will use different techniques based on whether the kill is Tapped or Held.

Quickly rush a certain distance forward.

Varesa enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state and switches to Sudden Onrush mode.

Sudden Onrush
Continuously consumes Nightsoul points. In this state, Varesa's Movement SPD and interruption resistance are increased. She can use terrain to execute flying leaps or consume additional Nightsoul points to traverse atop water or liquid Phlogiston while remaining immune to DMG from the latter.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Varesa
When she runs out of Nightsoul points, her Nightsoul's Blessing state will be canceled. When Varesa is in the Sudden Onrush state or Fiery Passion state, she will always be counted as being in the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Has 2 charges. When Varesa enters the Fiery Passion state, she will obtain an additional Tap charge of her Elemental Skill and its DMG will be increased.

Fiery Passion
· While not in the Fiery Passion state, Varesa can use Plunging Attacks to gain Nightsoul points. She will enter Fiery Passion when she reaches maximum Nightsoul points via this method, or when she uses her Elemental Burst Glory Vent!
· While in the Fiery Passion state, her Normal Attacks, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst will gain unique buffs. She can also use a special Elemental Burst shortly after using a Plunging Attack.
· The Fiery Passion state lasts for up to 15 seconds and will end when she runs out of Nightsoul points or after she leaves combat for a period of time.

"Right now, I'm my own hero."
Rush DMG74.48%80.07%85.65%93.1%98.69%104.27%111.72%119.17%126.62%134.06%141.51%148.96%158.27%167.58%176.89%
Fiery Passion Rush DMG106.4%114.38%122.36%133%140.98%148.96%159.6%170.24%180.88%191.52%202.16%212.8%226.1%239.4%252.7%
Follow-Up Strike Duration5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s
Nightsoul Point Limit404040404040404040404040404040

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