![Saurian Dining Buddies](/img/i_n337076.webp?x51209) | Name | Saurian Dining Buddies |
loc_gcg_name_hash | Saurian Dining Buddies |
loc_gcg_card_name_hash | Dynamic Skin |
Rarity | ![Raritystr](/img/icons/star_35.webp?x51209) ![Raritystr](/img/icons/star_35.webp?x51209) ![Raritystr](/img/icons/star_35.webp?x51209) ![Raritystr](/img/icons/star_35.webp?x51209) |
loc_gcg_silver_variant | Saurian Dining Buddies |
Description | A card face that can be obtained from Genius Invokation TCG. For reasons unknown, the printing method used here allows you to see slightly different images on the card face when you view it from different angles... |
loc_gcg_desc_hash | "...Last but not least: Get 'em some good grub! The way to a Saurian's heart is through the stomach, after all!" |
So Iansan is confirmed a 4*, while a random light skinned cowgirl is a 5*. Next step, they gonna ru...