Astral Vulture’s Crimson Plumage

Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage
Astral Vulture's Crimson PlumageNameAstral Vulture's Crimson Plumage
FamilyWeapon, Bow
Conversion Exp300000
Base Attack45.94
Substat TypeCritical Damage %
Base Substat14.4%
Weapon AffixThe Moonring Sighted
Affix DescriptionFor 12s after triggering a Swirl reaction, ATK increases by 24%. In addition, when 1/2 or more characters in the party are of a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the DMG dealt by the equipping character's Charged Attacks is increased by 20%/48% and Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 10%/24%.
DescriptionAn ancient longbow crested with red feathers, a sacred relic of the Flower-Feather Clan that has been passed down from generation to generation.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration
Refractive Bud
Sentry's Wooden Whistle
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition
Bewildering Broadleaf
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Night-Wind's Mystic Augury
Illusory Leafcoil
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Night-Wind's Mystic Revelation

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus CritDMG%MaterialsTotal Materials
Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration5
Refractive Bud5
Sentry's Wooden Whistle3
Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration5
Refractive Bud5
Sentry's Wooden Whistle3
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition5
Refractive Bud18
Sentry's Wooden Whistle12
Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration5
Refractive Bud23
Sentry's Wooden Whistle15
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition5
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition9
Bewildering Broadleaf9
Warrior's Metal Whistle9
Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration5
Refractive Bud23
Sentry's Wooden Whistle15
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition14
Bewildering Broadleaf9
Warrior's Metal Whistle9
Night-Wind's Mystic Augury5
Bewildering Broadleaf18
Warrior's Metal Whistle14
Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration5
Refractive Bud23
Sentry's Wooden Whistle15
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition14
Bewildering Broadleaf27
Warrior's Metal Whistle23
Night-Wind's Mystic Augury5
Night-Wind's Mystic Augury9
Illusory Leafcoil14
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle9
Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration5
Refractive Bud23
Sentry's Wooden Whistle15
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition14
Bewildering Broadleaf27
Warrior's Metal Whistle23
Night-Wind's Mystic Augury14
Illusory Leafcoil14
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle9
Night-Wind's Mystic Revelation6
Illusory Leafcoil27
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle18
Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration5
Refractive Bud23
Sentry's Wooden Whistle15
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition14
Bewildering Broadleaf27
Warrior's Metal Whistle23
Night-Wind's Mystic Augury14
Illusory Leafcoil41
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle27
Night-Wind's Mystic Revelation6

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1For 12s after triggering a Swirl reaction, ATK increases by 24%. In addition, when 1/2 or more characters in the party are of a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the DMG dealt by the equipping character's Charged Attacks is increased by 20%/48% and Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 10%/24%.
2For 12s after triggering a Swirl reaction, ATK increases by 30%. In addition, when 1/2 or more characters in the party are of a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the DMG dealt by the equipping character's Charged Attacks is increased by 25%/60% and Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 12.5%/30%.
Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage
3For 12s after triggering a Swirl reaction, ATK increases by 36%. In addition, when 1/2 or more characters in the party are of a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the DMG dealt by the equipping character's Charged Attacks is increased by 30%/72% and Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 15%/36%.
Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage
4For 12s after triggering a Swirl reaction, ATK increases by 42%. In addition, when 1/2 or more characters in the party are of a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the DMG dealt by the equipping character's Charged Attacks is increased by 35%/84% and Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 17.5%/42%.
Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage
5For 12s after triggering a Swirl reaction, ATK increases by 48%. In addition, when 1/2 or more characters in the party are of a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the DMG dealt by the equipping character's Charged Attacks is increased by 40%/96% and Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 20%/48%.
Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage

Item Story

That was in the distant past, in a time now known as legend, when the transgressor who dared name himself "Sacred Lord" turned his back on the alliance for the only god he loved.
Then, the oaths between humans and Saurians had faded like dying bonfires, and the lone shadow of Cinder City had buried the deep Night under naught but fearful whispers,
Harmony waned and the warm sunlight grew distant, for only a chilling night wind remained of the Python King's great, crazed dreams.

In those days, on the high cliffs that had descended into turmoil due to the loss of their master, the Flower-Feather Clan elder, who only ostensibly obeyed the King, banished a young man from the tribe,
That he, who desired to protect the Saurians, might escape the usurper's capture. Thus did this hero, valiant as a bird of prey, embark on a pilgrimage from that night on,
His red eyes burning like a sun in the gloom as they reflected only the cold, aqua-colored moon ring that hung high up in the sky above.

Poets in later days would strum the eight-stringed nyatiti, extolling the legend of the red-eyed liberator with countless lovely songs,
Such poems born of fantasy are numerous as the bright stars, tales of adventure woven together over the ages on which all have a differing opinion—

"Come and hear my words, hark as I sing of the hero, our red-eyed savior, and of the old friend who went with him"
"For the one who guided him on his journey was a noble scion who had once served the dragonlord, a red vulture whose eyes reflected the deep skies and the many stars"
"I shall tell of how that holy bird was moved by his noble ideals, and gave of its flesh and blood to make this keenest of bows"
"I shall sing of how it used its feathers to direct the blessed hero, leading him to meet our noble ancestor, Sakkuk."
Thus did the poets who did not believe that the young man's pilgrimage had been undertaken alone conceive of a guide who had never existed.

"The legend of which I shall sing differs from that of the Children of Echoes, for why would the crimson-eyed hero follow birdsong aimlessly through the forest?"
"Surely he was never a mere mortal, but rather a thread of thought that came from the One Entombed With the Primal Fire, returning from the Night Realm to save the oppressed"
"This longbow is proof that he came back from that taboo land which none can reach, for how could a mere mortal raze the accursed Cinder City?"
"When Natlan faces crisis once more, he shall emerge from the Flame, to right this world's wrongs and guide us onward."
Thus did the lyricists who believed not that the young man was of mortal flesh opine, tying him back to that first human god.

And it is because there are so many versions of the legend that there is no one song that all acknowledge as that hero's definitive tale.
Countless years have passed like flowing moonlight, and yet the only consensus is that the red-eyed young man did once ascend to divinity.
To this day, the idea that "humans can become gods" has become accepted across the blazing plains, inscribed upon every Natlanese heart that aspires to heroism—
"There is no need to place your faith in so-called noble names, no need to offer futile prayers unto any but yourself"
"Please erase my name, Sakkuk, such that all may know that every human can become the god that guides us"

"You won't take me with you into the Flame... You won't even let my name accompany yours into history..."
"...Everyone here sure likes making selfish decisions, huh? You and that fellow both."
"Hmph... In that case, let me do something out of my own insatiable greed, ■■■■■"
"This feather you gave me — I shall cause it to be passed down in that homeland you could never return to, and so shall it be for a thousand years."

19 responses to “Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage”

    • First Great Magic on Chasca? 2nd BiS for her IF you place her with at least one another Anemo character

  1. should only the owner activate the swirl? or all the teammates?For example, Linney, if sucrose activates the swirl, will Lynn get a boost?

    • I guess “triggering” means that you either apply anemo on an element or apply swirlable element on anemo which only works with Hypostasis

      • No hes saying like if you put the bow on lyney, and you activate swirl with a different character would lyney still get the boost? Or does it specifically have to be the character with anemo and the boe?

      • The Swirl must be triggered by the wearer – ar least that is what the Passive seems to say in my opinion. So Tighnari will not get the %Attack Bonus.

        However, the CA’s and Burst’s Bonus Dmg will happen as long as you have 2 elements other than Tighnari’s.

        So, for example, Tighnari + YaoYao + Miko/Fischl + Kazuha (the team I use)


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