Ibis Piercer

Ibis Piercer
Ibis PiercerNameIbis Piercer
FamilyWeapon, Bow
Conversion Exp50000
Base Attack43.73
Substat TypeAttack %
Base Substat6%
Weapon AffixSecret Wisdom's Favor
Affix DescriptionThe character's Elemental Mastery will increase by 40 within 6s after Charged Attacks hit opponents. Max 2 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s.
DescriptionA golden bow forged from the description in the story. If you use it as a normal weapon, you can also view it as a part of a fictional world that has made it off the pages.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew
A Flower Yet to Bloom
Faded Red Satin
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew
Treasured Flower
Trimmed Red Silk
Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew
Wanderer's Blooming Flower
Rich Red Brocade
Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story
Obtained From

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus Atk%MaterialsTotal Materials
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew3
A Flower Yet to Bloom3
Faded Red Satin2
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew3
A Flower Yet to Bloom3
Faded Red Satin2
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew3
A Flower Yet to Bloom12
Faded Red Satin8
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Faded Red Satin10
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew3
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew6
Treasured Flower6
Trimmed Red Silk6
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Faded Red Satin10
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew9
Treasured Flower6
Trimmed Red Silk6
Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew3
Treasured Flower12
Trimmed Red Silk9
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Faded Red Satin10
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew9
Treasured Flower18
Trimmed Red Silk15
Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew3
Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew6
Wanderer's Blooming Flower9
Rich Red Brocade6
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Faded Red Satin10
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew9
Treasured Flower18
Trimmed Red Silk15
Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew9
Wanderer's Blooming Flower9
Rich Red Brocade6
Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew4
Wanderer's Blooming Flower18
Rich Red Brocade12
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Faded Red Satin10
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew9
Treasured Flower18
Trimmed Red Silk15
Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew9
Wanderer's Blooming Flower27
Rich Red Brocade18
Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew4

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1The character's Elemental Mastery will increase by 40 within 6s after Charged Attacks hit opponents. Max 2 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s.
2The character's Elemental Mastery will increase by 50 within 6s after Charged Attacks hit opponents. Max 2 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s.
Ibis Piercer
3The character's Elemental Mastery will increase by 60 within 6s after Charged Attacks hit opponents. Max 2 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s.
Ibis Piercer
4The character's Elemental Mastery will increase by 70 within 6s after Charged Attacks hit opponents. Max 2 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s.
Ibis Piercer
5The character's Elemental Mastery will increase by 80 within 6s after Charged Attacks hit opponents. Max 2 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s.
Ibis Piercer

Item Story

This item was supposed to be a product sample of a pre-order special for the final volume of King of Invokations #1.
However, due to its unique specifications, the request to produce a sample was misunderstood as one to craft an actual weapon.
As such, the editors of Yae Publishing House were frustrated at what transpired upon receiving this bow. Yet Fukumoto, who was present when the bow was delivered, was deeply inspired by this turn of events and wrote the following excerpt, which would later be included in the book as an appendix.

"The one who wields this bow, shall be the most adept archer under the command of the King of the Great Red Sand."
It is as everyone said, and a belief that the prussian green-skinned young man held strongly. When the Ibis King displayed his trove of treasures, this bejeweled sandstone-hued longbow caught his eye immediately. It was a time when the young man had yet to be poisoned by destiny, a time when he still believed that all that he desired were accolades to be won—
To him, it was a mere matter of how much effort one had to devote.
Thus, he posed a question to the Ibis King with an easy confidence, "If I become the most brilliant archer of all, if I possess power and strength surpassing that of the other kings, would this longbow be mine?"
Silence fell over the court. In the shadows yet to be illuminated by the lamps, no one dared to answer.
There was only one exception: the man atop the throne with eyes as sharp as a falcon's chuckled, and granted the young man's wish.
"The day is bound to come," the green-skinned youth thought.

Be that as it may, long, arduous years have passed since.
It was several hundred years later when the lord of war fulfilled his wish. Possessing the young man who opened the Casket of Tomes, he entered the sealed "Room of Duels" again, and only then did he see the longbow held by the phantom.
It was as if time stood still, so that the remnant of his soul could pass through the shattered doors and scattered corridors, and return to the chamber of treachery and machinations. Grasping the inescapable golden arrow fired off by the Bow of Secret Rites that was zipping towards him, he saved the body from an unfortunate fate of being impaled through the chest.
That had always been part of his plan.
But at this moment, the secret ritual dissipated. The arrow was dispelled and the silhouette of the bow-wielder vanished in a flash.
He grabbed the longbow before it clattered to the ground.
His multiple attempts at seizing this gold-forged bow had ended in failure, which contributed to the rift between him and the Ibis King. Alas, when he finally acquired the treasure that he had long coveted, he found that his heart was as cold as a stagnant swamp, with nary a ripple of joy. The Crocodile King pondered, and concluded that he no longer had such a great yearning to satisfy those unfulfilled desires as he did in his youth.
Moreover, the revered Lord of the Scarlet Sands had been hidden in many histories, and the Mistress of Flowers had never been seen again. In vying for the mausoleum's throne, strife and chaos broke out amongst the kingdoms. Amidst the turmoil, he took the opportunity to trample the sea of sands in the name of the "Rite of Duels," all to erase the barriers between multitude of worlds and thus incite a frenzied war. To stop him, a lone, elderly figure clutching onto the golden bow, trudged up the steps leading to the ritual...
Those were but memories of a bygone era.
He ran his fingers over the orb on the bow, until it dawned on him that it wasn't dust that was dimming its glow, let alone the fact that this dust was a mere figment of his imagination.

"Never mind," the lord of war thought.
He heard the sound of the table being activated again in the "Room of Duels", and guessed that the young man whose his remnant soul had once possessed was eagerly waiting for a duel.
And thus he strapped his longbow to his side, painting a picture of victory he had once dreamed of.
The prussian green-skinned king slowly paced towards the battlefield decreed by fate.

Obtained From


IconNameRewardReward (Total)Ver
Duel! The Summoners' Summit!
Duel! The Summoners' Summit!
Crown of Insight
Ibis Piercer
Hero's Wit
Debris of Decarabian's City
Lustrous Stone from Guyun
Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew
Nagadus Emerald Fragment
Mystic Enhancement Ore
Ibis Piercer1
Invokation Coupons4400
Guide to Freedom2
Guide to Resistance2
Guide to Ballad2
Guide to Prosperity2
Guide to Diligence2
Guide to Gold2
Guide to Transience2
Guide to Elegance2
Guide to Light2
Guide to Admonition2
Guide to Ingenuity2
Guide to Praxis2
Hero's Wit26
Mystic Enhancement Ore62
Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Knights of Favonius Library1
Debris of Decarabian's City6
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth6
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator6
Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Dawn Winery1
Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Liyue Harbor Wharf1
Lustrous Stone from Guyun6
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir6
Piece of Aerosiderite6
Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Wangshu Inn1
Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Tenshukaku1
Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea6
Narukami's Joy6
Mask of the Tiger's Bite6
Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Sangonomiya Shrine1
Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Sumeru City1
Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew6
Oasis Garden's Kindness6
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might6
Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Tandoori Roast Chicken1
Crown of Insight1
Congealed Pupa Wax4
Agnidus Agate Fragment6
Varunada Lazurite Fragment6
Nagadus Emerald Fragment6
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment6
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment6
Shivada Jade Fragment6
Prithiva Topaz Fragment6
items per Page

35 responses to “Ibis Piercer”

    • likely amos because it’s a five star and it gives a big bonus to the charged attacks themselves. this gives buffs that are easily given by other characters or artifact sets.

  1. Works with Tartaglia E charged attack so its actually not bad, that is free +160em for some reaction team with tortelini as driver

  2. This weapon looks like a more complicated version of the Windblume Ode. At least my lvl 90 C4 Amber can use this.

  3. Do you really not know that there is a difference between a Charged Shot and an Aimed Shot? I guess you must be one of the “new” players you mentioned or a dumb one.

    • What’s the difference between a Charged Shot, an Aimed Shot, a Hot Shot, a Long Shot, a Trick Shot, a Double Shot, a Two Shot, a Split Shot, a Tequila Shot, a Close-up Shot, a Low-Angle Shot, a Wide Shot, and an Establishing Shot?

      • Charged Shot is Charged Shot, Aimed Shot is Aimed Shot, a Hot shot is a Hot shot, a Long Shot Equals to not aimed shot, a trick Shot is equal to threat Shot, a Double Shot is not equal to one Shot, a Two Shot is Equals to Double Shot, Split Shot is Y angle is shorter than X angle, a Tequila Shot is equal to mexians, a Low-Angle Shot is equals to lower one ,a Wide Shot is opposite of tight Shot and an Establishing Shot is equals to everything but not the ones I defined already.

    • Unless you think people close their eyes and shoot arrows randomly in the sky without looking.


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