Mountain-Bracing Bolt

Mountain-Bracing Bolt
Mountain-Bracing BoltNameMountain-Bracing Bolt
FamilyWeapon, Polearm
Conversion Exp50000
Base Attack43.73
Substat TypeEnergy Recharge %
Base Substat6.67%
Weapon AffixHope Beyond the Peaks
Affix DescriptionDecreases Climbing Stamina Consumption by 15% and increases Elemental Skill DMG by 12%. Also, after other nearby party members use Elemental Skills, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG will also increase by 12% for 8s.
DescriptionThis polearm was once jointly forged by the craftsmen in the mines as a sacrifice to the spirits of the mountains.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord
Ignited Stone
Whopperflower Nectar
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord
Ignited Seed of Life
Shimmering Nectar
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord
Ignited Seeing Eye
Energy Nectar
Delirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus ERMaterialsTotal Materials
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Stone3
Whopperflower Nectar2
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Stone3
Whopperflower Nectar2
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Stone12
Whopperflower Nectar8
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Stone15
Whopperflower Nectar10
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord3
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord6
Ignited Seed of Life6
Shimmering Nectar6
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Stone15
Whopperflower Nectar10
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord9
Ignited Seed of Life6
Shimmering Nectar6
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Seed of Life12
Shimmering Nectar9
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Stone15
Whopperflower Nectar10
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord9
Ignited Seed of Life18
Shimmering Nectar15
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord3
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord6
Ignited Seeing Eye9
Energy Nectar6
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Stone15
Whopperflower Nectar10
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord9
Ignited Seed of Life18
Shimmering Nectar15
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord9
Ignited Seeing Eye9
Energy Nectar6
Delirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord4
Ignited Seeing Eye18
Energy Nectar12
Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord3
Ignited Stone15
Whopperflower Nectar10
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord9
Ignited Seed of Life18
Shimmering Nectar15
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord9
Ignited Seeing Eye27
Energy Nectar18
Delirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord4

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1Decreases Climbing Stamina Consumption by 15% and increases Elemental Skill DMG by 12%. Also, after other nearby party members use Elemental Skills, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG will also increase by 12% for 8s.
2Decreases Climbing Stamina Consumption by 15% and increases Elemental Skill DMG by 15%. Also, after other nearby party members use Elemental Skills, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG will also increase by 15% for 8s.
Mountain-Bracing Bolt
3Decreases Climbing Stamina Consumption by 15% and increases Elemental Skill DMG by 18%. Also, after other nearby party members use Elemental Skills, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG will also increase by 18% for 8s.
Mountain-Bracing Bolt
4Decreases Climbing Stamina Consumption by 15% and increases Elemental Skill DMG by 21%. Also, after other nearby party members use Elemental Skills, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG will also increase by 21% for 8s.
Mountain-Bracing Bolt
5Decreases Climbing Stamina Consumption by 15% and increases Elemental Skill DMG by 24%. Also, after other nearby party members use Elemental Skills, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG will also increase by 24% for 8s.
Mountain-Bracing Bolt

Item Story

In those days, the dark tide had yet to arise. In those days, the sounds of metal shook the skies in the Nanatzcayan's mountains, and the sparks never ceased to fly.
The miners had worked day and night for months on end to make an important item that was not to be neglected.
It is said that this item was intimately associated with the mines' safety and the tribe's survival, and the elders named it the "Mountain-Bracing Bolt."
Whenever the earth would shake and the mountains move, peace could only be purchased by way of tribute, thrown to the mountain spirits in their deepest caverns.

Though it was an ancient ritual indeed, passed down across thousands of years, young Sundjatta mocked it.
He understood the flow of the rocks and the paths veins of ore took, and believed that there must be some reason for the frequent collapses.
Perhaps excessive excavation had rendered the mountains tottering wrecks, or perhaps the earth dragons beneath the springs were up to some mischief.
Regardless, he was determined to venture into the tribe's taboo caverns to uncover the secrets hidden therein.

On he followed the rocky arteries, and on he strove through pitch-black caves. Nothing could stay him.
In the deepest depths of the cavern, palisades of long nails arrayed like perilous peaks stood guard over the gate into spaces deeper still.
This was forbidden territory in which no human had stepped for a thousand years, and yet, there he found marks of recent excavations.
Tunnels, snaking through the underground world, and whither they went, none knew.

At last, following the underground river upstream, he saw a faint glimmer flickering at the exit of the tunnel.
After he had grown used to the harshness of light, which he had not seen in a long while, what appeared before him was a ruin blanketed in ash.
This was once an underground bastion belonging to the usurper of Cinder City and had also once been a place where miners sought shelter in antiquity.
The blind Stegosaurus that resided within the rocky cliffs was, so it seemed, the one responsible for this passage once again seeing the light of day.

"Yes, this tunnel was only known to those skilled craftspeople who the tyrannical Python King pressed into service in Cinder City."
"When the furious usurper aimed to erase the traces of draconic craft, when his folly drew both demons and evils divine,"
"It was through these tunnels that our forebears escaped into the deserted mountains."

But though the sacred passage into the dragon's lair was sealed, bloodthirsty hordes sniffed their way to it all the same.
So to defend their new home atop Tequemecan Valley, the tribe's warriors sang their echoing war-songs.
Sharp blades and long spears in hand, they stepped into the pitch-dark caves and fought viciously against nameless entities darker still.
One weapon after another shattered in their hands, and those in the mountains forged and reforged yet more for them.
And so the battle raged for days and nights without number, until the nightmarish howling and the sounds of clashing stone and metal stopped as one.

This was the Mountain-Bracing Bolt, which bestowed a blessing upon those who had once remained hidden, and who fought for their freedom and their land,
Only to fall before daybreak, they who sacrificed themselves so that dawn might come — a blessing that endures to this very day.

And when the dark tide arose upon the horizon, the sounds of metal shook the skies in the Nanatzcayan's mountains, and the sparks never ceased to fly.
The running, melted mountain rock was meticulously shaped by the craftsmen into keen lances.
Sundjatta, chief of the mines, clambered upon the back of the Stegosaurus Muhuru, and took one up from amidst the cliff walls.
Thus did a new battle begin, bearing the new flame rekindled from the ashes, and the blessings molded from countless wishes.

14 responses to “Mountain-Bracing Bolt”

  1. literalmente no hay nadie a quien le sirva esta arma xD a no ser que tengas una chevruse o Raiden muy rara no creo que te sirva para algo

  2. First time ever that there is two polearms in one aesthetic set of weapons.

    Sucks that this is the weapon on Kachina during cutscenes but not her BiS. Forever wishing Genshin has signatures for 4-stars like in ZZZ.

    • This is good for Kachina though, this might be even better than the first 4 star craftable. The passive decrease climbing stamina consumption which she does with her skill mechanic, as well as increasing the skill damage which she does all the time

  3. this may be Emilie’s new BiS 4* weapon, especially for teams where she isn’t on field. high Base atk? check. ER main stat? check. skill dmg bonus? check.

    that’s 48% elemental skill dmg bonus at R5. nearly as much as golden troupe. and while a lot of her damahe does come from her burst and passive talent, it has a pretty useful effect and energt recharge to be closer to meeting ER needs.

    • Yeah, she does not have really good 4 star options. However, I believe this is a gacha weapon. Since 4 star weapons have no epitomized path, it might be a waste of primogems if you pulled a 5 star you don’t want

      • She does need energy though. Most of the AoE in her kit comes from her burst. It’s also used for repositioning her skill whenever enemies move to the other side of the chamber or another wave spawns too far away, and it does so without losing the level of her skill that resets to lvl0 when reusing her skill.


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