“Ultimate Overlord’s Mega Magic Sword”

Name"Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword"
FamilyWeapon, Claymore
Conversion Exp50000
Base Attack43.73
Substat TypeEnergy Recharge %
Base Substat6.67%
Weapon AffixMelussistance!
Affix DescriptionATK increased by 12%. That's not all! The support from all Melusines you've helped in Merusea Village fills you with strength! Based on the number of them you've helped, your ATK is increased by up to an additional 12%.
DescriptionA magical sword that can only be wielded by the ultimate overlord who rules the seas. As it has been made with special water-resistant materials, it will not get ruined by water damage even after being immersed. Why, one might even call it invincible!
Weapon Ascension Materials
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea
Old Operative's Pocket Watch
Meshing Gear
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea
Operative's Standard Pocket Watch
Mechanical Spur Gear
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea
Operative's Constancy
Artificed Dynamic Gear
Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story
Obtained From

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus ERMaterialsTotal Materials
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Old Operative's Pocket Watch3
Meshing Gear2
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Old Operative's Pocket Watch3
Meshing Gear2
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Old Operative's Pocket Watch12
Meshing Gear8
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Old Operative's Pocket Watch15
Meshing Gear10
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea6
Operative's Standard Pocket Watch6
Mechanical Spur Gear6
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Old Operative's Pocket Watch15
Meshing Gear10
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea9
Operative's Standard Pocket Watch6
Mechanical Spur Gear6
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Operative's Standard Pocket Watch12
Mechanical Spur Gear9
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Old Operative's Pocket Watch15
Meshing Gear10
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea9
Operative's Standard Pocket Watch18
Mechanical Spur Gear15
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea6
Operative's Constancy9
Artificed Dynamic Gear6
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Old Operative's Pocket Watch15
Meshing Gear10
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea9
Operative's Standard Pocket Watch18
Mechanical Spur Gear15
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea9
Operative's Constancy9
Artificed Dynamic Gear6
Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea4
Operative's Constancy18
Artificed Dynamic Gear12
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea3
Old Operative's Pocket Watch15
Meshing Gear10
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea9
Operative's Standard Pocket Watch18
Mechanical Spur Gear15
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea9
Operative's Constancy27
Artificed Dynamic Gear18
Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea4

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1ATK increased by 12%. That's not all! The support from all Melusines you've helped in Merusea Village fills you with strength! Based on the number of them you've helped, your ATK is increased by up to an additional 12%.
2ATK increased by 15%. That's not all! The support from all Melusines you've helped in Merusea Village fills you with strength! Based on the number of them you've helped, your ATK is increased by up to an additional 15%.
3ATK increased by 18%. That's not all! The support from all Melusines you've helped in Merusea Village fills you with strength! Based on the number of them you've helped, your ATK is increased by up to an additional 18%.
4ATK increased by 21%. That's not all! The support from all Melusines you've helped in Merusea Village fills you with strength! Based on the number of them you've helped, your ATK is increased by up to an additional 21%.
5ATK increased by 24%. That's not all! The support from all Melusines you've helped in Merusea Village fills you with strength! Based on the number of them you've helped, your ATK is increased by up to an additional 24%.

Item Story

"... Uh, what? A cheap cardboard claymore? No, no, no, this is... Well, it's... the Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword, once used to triumph over the Crab Emperor!"

A long, long time ago, before Romaritime Flowers came to have that name, in distant seas dwelt the great Crab Demon Emperor.
Now, no one truly knows what made this crab great, nor do any know where this emperor ruled or where its subjects were, but since all attested to it, so did the mighty name of the Demon Emperor spread throughout the seas. Perhaps one might put this down to natural nobility? It was with this thought that the Crab Demon Emperor would slowly come to accept the truth that all gave it a wide berth.
Just as the high-and-mighty (or perhaps that was simply how they thought of themselves) humans, this great eminence would often lament that its position precluded having friends (although this might itself might also indicate high-and-mightiness). After all, those clicking crab claws could easily scare those who antagonized you, and cut the threads of fate for those who insisted on doing so. And the hoard of gold coin that the emperor owned, that stood as high as Mont Automnequi, could buy it all the delicious cookies in Fontaine — and that was a life fit for a ruler, was it not?
But without good friends to play with it, at once driven to boredom and sadness — which no amount of cookies could cure — the great eminence had to resort to using those great claws to trim seagrass. And alas, the crab emperor was still a crab, and though he might do all things better than crabs, his skill at trimming seagrass was no better than that of an ordinary stingray!
One day, while the mighty Crab Demon Emperor was blowing bubbles, alone and forlorn, he bumped into a little Melusine...
"Ah, ah, ah! Who dares step into my demonic domain? Why have you come?"
(Though the Crab Emperor was erupting in flame, he was in truth a little happy, and also afraid. When other sea beings saw him, they would flee on account of his majesty, and so the Emperor had not spoken to anyone for a long, long time.)
"Mr. Crab," the little Melusine said, "you don't seem very happy. Let's play together. That'll cheer you up!"
"You do not understand," the Crab Emperor began, and though he wished to take the Melusine to task on account of her trespass in calling him "Mr." instead of "Your Majesty," he instead finished, "an overlord cannot play with little Melusines, or he shall lose his kingly majesty."
"And what would happen if he loses it?"
"An overlord without majesty is no overlord at all. Were it not for my claws being larger and my armor thicker than that of other crabs, I am ordinary, just like them."
"Well, Mr. Crab, your claws are bigger than me, and you have more legs than I do. Your armor is thicker than the walls of my house, and other than gold coins and little cookies, you've got so many other nice things. You should be very happy! Hmm, I know. It must be your kingly majesty that makes you unhappy."
"Little Melusine, you have never been a king, and so I forgive your ignorance. Know that an emperor should not care for his own happiness."
"But before you were king, you must've been a crab, right, Mr. Crab? Oh, your unhappiness makes me unhappy too! Tell you what — I'll help you give up your kingly majesty!"
"Hah! Little Melusine, you speak of things far beyond your ken. When in history has an emperor given up their rule?" The Emperor waved his claws in a rage. "Unless... For example, and just as an example, a hero should defeat the demon lord using their holy blade... That way, even a former overlord must be content playing with the little Melusines."
"Oh, so that's how it works!" The Melusine exclaimed happily, before then falling into thought, and saying, crestfallen, "But I don't know where to find a hero, or where a holy blade might be..."
"Oh, don't you worry! So long as they can defeat the demon lord, anyone can be a hero, and any weapon can be a holy sword," the Emperor said hurriedly. "Mwahahaha! Now do you understand, you impertinent Melusine?"

"'...And that's what Mr. Crab told me. Please, everyone, lend me your strength!'" She said. And all the Melusines in Merusea Village thought that indeed, they should help her! And so they arrayed her with a great seashell for a shield, crowned her with a seagrass laurel, and canvas from a wrecked ship within Elynas they brought for her cloak. At last, they armed her with a rare piece of dried cardboard — her treasured sword.
Thus did the Melusine heroine embark on a journey to defeat the Crab Demon Emperor, and with her peerless magical blade did she cast the marauding tyrant down. And from then on, Mr. Crab, now longer a demon lord, would become the Melusines' good friend...

After some discussion, the Melusines reached a consensus. This, the mightiest sword in Merusea Village, that had shone so illustriously in the shadowed mists of the past, should be given to an unparalleled hero, as a memorial to their friendship.

Obtained From


IconNameRewardReward (Total)Ver
Roses and Muskets
Roses and Muskets
Crown of Insight
Simulation Device: Ideal Accuracy
Stabilization Mek: Pwetty Pwease
Recipe: Fontinalia Mousse
Philosophies of Equity
Movement of an Ancient Chord
Hero's Wit
Sanctifying Unction
Mystic Enhancement Ore
Theater Tickets1200
Film for Fun1920
Hero's Wit51
Sanctifying Unction48
Mystic Enhancement Ore202
Simulation Device: Ideal Accuracy1
Super-Duper Invincible Shining Sparkly Magic Crystal4
Crown of Insight1
Guide to Equity6
Philosophies of Equity2
Guide to Justice6
Philosophies of Justice2
Guide to Order6
Philosophies of Order2
Chapter of an Ancient Chord12
Movement of an Ancient Chord4
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop12
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop4
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea12
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea4
items per Page

42 responses to “"Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword"”

  1. this looks like a Furina-synergistic weapon. The buff at max is basically TTDS. The ER is a nice addition. I can see this working a bit for Beidou but not much on the others.

    • tidal by a lot
      this exchanges atk for er, and unless you need it (most likely won’t) tidal’s atk%>>>>>>>>>
      and this doesn’t change wether you have furina or not

    • it’s +30% ER (this) vs 270 flat ATK (Tidal), as “R5 this” has more base damage, that 40+48% ATK from Tidal is not a clear win, ATK% only affects base ATK damage which is 350 (lvl 90 Navia) + 564 at “this” and 350 + 509 at Tidal.
      It is worth to mention that “this” has only a quest requirement then it’s permanent without any combat restrictions, for Tidal you will have the “get healed” requirement.
      30% ER is decent, I’d say the weapons are equal if all requirements are met and it only depends on your luck with artifact stats. If lack of ER, go for “this”, if enough ER, go for Tidal

    • Doesn’t matter. This weapon is super strong. Conditionless Base 565 ATK, 31% ER and 48% ATK.
      This is unironically one of the best 4* Claymores.
      Basically any DPS/Sub-DPS who needs some ER% can just equip this and benefit highly from this.
      For reference:
      Other 565 Base ATK Claymore give only 28% ATK and most of the time very conditional extra benefits (example: Prototype Archaic R5, 28% ATK and every 15s 480% ATK dmg).

      Even 454 Base ATK weapon give 55% ATK, so only 7% more than this weapon, and then they lose out on 31% ER and 111 Base ATK (big difference, on average we get around 108% ATK with an ATK% sands, so this will be around 120 ATK less on your character).

      I’d rather take this weapon than a CRIT event weapon with a shitty passive (which is the likely course they’ll take with a free CRIT weapon tbh).

    • Yea it wouldn’t hurt if they gave out some crit rate instead of leaving us out in the desert. 5-star weapons usually already have some outperforming passives that make them superior anyway.
      Most free weapons are starting to become redundant now because they avoid giving crit.

    • Because new players or someone who leaves the game and come back will cry. Remember Festering Desire? It gave crit and bonus damage, then people cry a lot because they didn’t play the game.

  2. Pretty confident this’ll be Beidou and Freminet’s best F2P option. In any situation where you’d be running Prototype Archaic, you should run this instead. In any situation where you’d be running Nagamasa, you should probably just get better ER subs and run this instead. Very comfortable on Saya as well, though it’s tough to say if the ER is enough to make it competitive with Mailed Flower and Tidal Shadow, probably artifact/constellation dependent.

        • As the commenter FA said, this weapon is unironically one of the best 4* claymores we can get in the game.
          ” This weapon is super strong. Conditionless Base 565 ATK, 31% ER and 48% ATK.
          This is unironically one of the best 4* Claymores.
          Basically any DPS/Sub-DPS who needs some ER% can just equip this and benefit highly from this.
          For reference:
          Other 565 Base ATK Claymore give only 28% ATK and most of the time very conditional extra benefits (example: Prototype Archaic R5, 28% ATK and every 15s 480% ATK dmg).

          Even 454 Base ATK weapon give 55% ATK, so only 7% more than this weapon, and then they lose out on 31% ER and 111 Base ATK (big difference, on average we get around 108% ATK with an ATK% sands, so this will be around 120 ATK less on your character).” – FA

          • insane cope in that comment, comparing only base stats to this with stats AND passive.
            the other weapons have passives too…
            really helping nobody by copypasting it around.

  3. Does anyone know what exactly “number of [Melusines] you’ve helped,” refers to in the passive (like it is preexisting world quests, new ones, or a part of the event)? I am somewhat new and am not any where near caught up in terms of quests, so I want to know what specifically I would need to do get the max the passive effect.

    Thanks in advance!

    • Don’t know for sure where the event is taking place, but the passive specifically mentions the Melusines you’ve helped in Merusea Village, so I would imagine it’s pre-existing world quests, as there’s quite a few Melusines that fit that description already! Though I suppose it’s entirely possible they’ll add more in the patch they drop this, I imagine the ones already out there count for this.

      • Ok good. I only knew of the painter one that automatically starts her quest when you come near.

        If there are already multiple with quests it is probably referring to that (as the event description and text doesn’t seem to include anything about helping Melusines).

        • There were some Melusines you could help and they would give you some scraps you could exchange for items in a Melusine village store, the village chief will lead you to the others that need help and you can also look around.

      • I get the Buff for two quests by calculating the attack difference after refiment. I think one is for mamere and one for puca. For puca you may need the hiden ending (?)… talt to Cesil after a few days.
        I think the stickers on the sword say how much quest are possible. (i think there is a Puca sticker)


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