Blackcliff Slasher

Blackcliff Slasher
Blackcliff SlasherNameBlackcliff Slasher
FamilyWeapon, Claymore
Conversion Exp50000
Base Attack42.4
Substat TypeCritical Damage %
Base Substat12%
Weapon AffixPress the Advantage
Affix DescriptionAfter defeating an opponent, ATK is increased by 12% for 30s. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others.
DescriptionAn extremely sturdy greatsword from the Blackcliff Forge. It has a dark crimson color from the blade to pommel.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir
Mist Grass Pollen
Recruit's Insignia
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir
Mist Grass
Sergeant's Insignia
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir
Mist Grass Wick
Lieutenant's Insignia
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus CritDMG%MaterialsTotal Materials
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir3
Mist Grass Pollen3
Recruit's Insignia2
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir3
Mist Grass Pollen3
Recruit's Insignia2
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir3
Mist Grass Pollen12
Recruit's Insignia8
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir3
Mist Grass Pollen15
Recruit's Insignia10
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir3
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir6
Mist Grass6
Sergeant's Insignia6
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir3
Mist Grass Pollen15
Recruit's Insignia10
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir9
Mist Grass6
Sergeant's Insignia6
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir3
Mist Grass12
Sergeant's Insignia9
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir3
Mist Grass Pollen15
Recruit's Insignia10
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir9
Mist Grass18
Sergeant's Insignia15
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir3
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir6
Mist Grass Wick9
Lieutenant's Insignia6
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir3
Mist Grass Pollen15
Recruit's Insignia10
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir9
Mist Grass18
Sergeant's Insignia15
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir9
Mist Grass Wick9
Lieutenant's Insignia6
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir4
Mist Grass Wick18
Lieutenant's Insignia12
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir3
Mist Grass Pollen15
Recruit's Insignia10
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir9
Mist Grass18
Sergeant's Insignia15
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir9
Mist Grass Wick27
Lieutenant's Insignia18
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir4

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1After defeating an opponent, ATK is increased by 12% for 30s. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others.
2After defeating an opponent, ATK is increased by 15% for 30s. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others.
Blackcliff Slasher
3After defeating an enemy, ATK is increased by 18% for 30s. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others.
Blackcliff Slasher
4After defeating an enemy, ATK is increased by 21% for 30s. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others.
Blackcliff Slasher
5After defeating an enemy, ATK is increased by 24% for 30s. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others.
Blackcliff Slasher

Item Story

A broadsword wrought from rare blackcliff. Weighty as a boulder, it has enough brute force to carve its way through a mountain.
The blade is forged from a combination of blackcliff crystal and a crimson ore. It is pitch black like a pool of ink, with red flames leaping from within.

Blackcliff weaponry has its roots in the ancient "prototype" series. Blackcliff blades possess three distinguishing features: hard as bedrock, shimmer like ice, fierce as the blood that gives us life.
Though the Slasher is a broadsword, it has a uniquely sharp blade, barely thicker than a thread of silk.
The join between the red and black crystals is seamless, and each blade segment interlocks perfectly with the next to form a single cohesive body.
With the flame motif and red jade stones that adorn the hilt, the sword has a dark and foreboding presence when viewed from afar, like bright-red blood oozing from a bottomless pit of black ink.

Master craftsman Han Wu once embarked on a quest to find the finest ore with which to cast a blackcliff blade. He searched everywhere, until he became involved in a mining accident.
While trapped in the cave, his eyes perceived nothing but an all-engulfing and profoundly disorienting darkness. His ears rang with the thunderous crashing of rocks, as if the foundations of the world itself were caving in.
In the aftermath of this ordeal, the craftsman's furnace lay unused. Where flames once burned bright, frigid dust now gathered as the forgotten fantasies of the forge dwindled and died.
Han Wu's son, Han Ce, read that the earth's core had been sealed off due to a monster infestation, and rushed to inform his father.
Han Wu was racked with guilt upon hearing the news. He was certain that it was his trip into the mine that had disturbed the dragon from underground and the meteorite from the heavens. He forced himself up from his sickbed, lit the fires of the furnace once more and forged a mighty broadsword.
When it was ready, Han Ce took the sword into the mine shaft. There, on instructions from his father, he erected a shrine as tall as himself and placed the sword inside to ward off evil and rebuke the dragon.

Han Wu died peacefully in his sleep several years later.
At the moment of Han Wu's death, a traveler passing by the mine shaft at Mt. Tianheng saw a crimson light shining out from somewhere within the rocks. As the traveler watched on, a hidden shrine appeared and slowly opened.
The broadsword inside the shrine shone faintly, as if weeping with bereavement.
Han Ce went into the mountains that very night to retrieve the blade.
The Tianshu of that age personally engraved an inscription upon the blade:
"Carves open mountains and tears through the seas, shreds apart clouds and splits the moon."

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