Pilgrim’s Chronicle

Pilgrim's Chronicle
Pilgrim's ChronicleNamePilgrim's Chronicle
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
DescriptionObtained from the Lord of the Night, this material plays a key role in the creation of Ancient Names. Its essence is "memory," for Natlan's Ley Lines do not record the adventures of outsiders, and so, a special "vessel" is needed here.
Memory flows within this receptacle, and if you focus on its surface, it will display the vital footprints you have left in Natlan. Though the Ancient Name forging process is complete, these radiant tales of yours will not be erased.
From what you've heard, Xilonen and Citlali had a rather easy time obtaining this material. This, you presume, is thanks to the Lord of the Night's gentleness and generosity.

Obtained From

Quest Chapter

Incandescent Ode of Resurrection
Incandescent Ode of Resurrection
Adventure EXP5775
Hero's Wit24
Mystic Enhancement Ore46
The Cornerstone of Stars and Flames1
Pilgrim's Chronicle1
items per Page


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When All Becomes a MonumentSide by side with Mavuika, you defeat Gosoythoth and emerge as a hero revered by all in Natlan. Take this moment to enjoy the glory that is rightfully yours.
Adventure EXP1225
The Cornerstone of Stars and Flames1
Pilgrim's Chronicle1
Hero's Wit5
Mystic Enhancement Ore10
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