Records of Hanan Pacha (II)

Records of Hanan Pacha (II)
Records of Hanan Pacha (II)NameRecords of Hanan Pacha (II)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1054
DescriptionA fable, passed down from generation to generation, in which the legendary Sage of the Stolen Flame is the main protagonist. Professional historians, it is said, have analyzed its contents and come to a consensus that this tale has nothing to do with historical fact.

Item Story

Next, I will tell you the story of how the Sage Waxaklahun Ubah Kan passed Phlogiston to the people of the tribes and built Hanan Pacha.

After leaving the red and black lands, Waxaklahun Ubah Kan and the fool Chaac came to the land of forests and mountains, where human tribes lived.

Waxaklahun Ubah Kan wished to pass on the power to use phlogiston to humans, but none wished to learn from him, for none knew just what use the phlogiston he spoke of was.

"If we want to make fire, we need only strike the flint. As for the fuel, there's firewood and vegetation everywhere. What use have we for phlogiston?"

"O shortsighted people, do you not know there will come a day when all plants and firewood are consumed and are no more? And that the most plentiful, inexhaustible thing in the world is rocks? If you can use phlogiston to burn rocks, then you will have solved the problem of obtaining energy once and for all."

Thus spake the Sage, filled with confidence.

"Haha, I'm afraid we will never see that day come."

The people then could not yet see their ancestors in the Night Kingdom, and thus they naturally did not think of the future. And so Waxaklahun Ubah Kan had no choice but to give up.

The fool Chaac, seeing the Sage troubled by this, suggested a solution that would make the benefits phlogiston could bring readily apparent to all.

"So, like, we could take this big ol' rock and raise it up higher than the mountains, where everyone can see it. Then, like, everyone will totally get all curious and come running to us."

Though they were the words of a fool, Waxaklahun Ubah Kan had little choice but to try. And so he first taught Chaac how to use phlogiston, and the two of them raised the land together. The land thus raised was none other than Hanan Pacha, the Upper Sanctum of which people today now speak.

But unlike today, the Hanan Pacha of those days was still a vast tract of land, whole and complete. It floated above the clouds, and all the humans of Natlan could confirm its existence with a glance. And so, one by one, people from all corners were driven there by their curiosity.

The kind-hearted Chaac stood guard by the lake, using the power of phlogiston to help the people ascend to Hanan Pacha. And those that ascended to Hanan Pacha learned the art of using phlogiston from the Sage Waxaklahun Ubah Kan.

And under the leadership of Waxaklahun Ubah Kan, the people founded the first permanently settled tribe upon Hanan Pacha.

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