The Feline Firm (I)

The Feline Firm (I)
The Feline Firm (I)NameThe Feline Firm (I)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1052
DescriptionOne day, the mysterious Feline Firm sends an invitation to the doorman Perroux... Just what kind of adventures await him?

Item Story

On an afternoon much like many others, Perroux let out an extended yawn and was rubbing his eyes when he suddenly caught sight of a golden invitation lying silently in the flowerbed.
Sunlight illuminated the card's cover, and the words emblazoned upon it — "To Monsieur Perroux" — shone brighter than scattered Mora.
His eyes widened.
He was but the humblest of bellboys, greeting every visitor who came calling at the Master's door with a respectful "Monsieur" or "Madame." This was the first time anyone had ever addressed him so politely as "Monsieur Perroux"!
Who left it here? And without him ever noticing, too!
He blinked a few times, then blinked again, confirming over and over that it was not some iridescent trick of the light. Then, he opened the invitation...
"We are deeply grateful for the deliciousness you provided for us. Please do us the homor of paging us a visit. —Yours, The Feline Firm"
The crooked lettering seemed as though it had been written with the coarsest of quill pens, and was utterly unsuited to the golden cover of the card.

Feline Firm? Was there really some kind of firm named "Feline"? It couldn't really be an agency started by cats, right?
Perroux did often feed the stray cats on the street with leftovers.
Just call out "Kitty kitty, kitty kitty," and the cats would come running right over. However, without any food on offer, the cats would be quite cautious, even around Perroux.
With that in mind, Perroux flipped the invitation over to look at the back.
"Perhaps you are unfamiliar with our agency's location...
At the twelfth turning of the north wind, follow the fish scales forward, and you will see a row of carriages.
After the tenth chiming of the bells, there will be but one carriage left over. Jump into the shadows beneath it... We will be vaiting there..."
Giving the time and location like that... Was this... some kind of nonsensical magic?
Maybe someone was pranking him?
Still, all the typos littered throughout the letter and the special attention to fish scales really did make it seem like a cat — That is, if cats could write and really had their own offices.
North wind... fish scales... carriages... Oh, right! During the day, fishmongers set up their stalls twelve blocks south from where he was, and did the rubbish collection carriages not come every night at ten o'clock and stop there?
They would take the massive heaps of trash generated in the city over the entire day outside, and then, at twelve, they'd come back, ""clickity-clack."
Yes, this must be the language magic of cats! Only someone like Perroux who understood cats as well as he understood the city and understood the city as well as he understood its cats could decipher it.
Perroux's heart began to pound, for this was a secret known only to him.
"When it's time to change shifts, better hurry! Me, I've got an appointment to keep with the cats."

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