The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (III)

The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (III)
The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (III)NameThe Little Witch and the Undying Fire (III)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1051
DescriptionSome mysterious handwriting appears before the main text: "It's so rare for R to be in her right mind for a spell. Should she really be wasting the precious little lucid time she has writing this?" "Don't worry. For a witch, this is the most important thing."

Item Story

In her travels, the little witch encountered a group of people getting ready to kill demon kings.
She decided to join them and go kill some demon kings.
They told her: The more demon kings you kill, the greater your witch's power will grow.
This is, in fact, true.
Then, they encountered a mimic demon king.
After this whole affair, the little witch would write a "Demon King-Slaying Chronicle" each time she hunted one.

They encountered the mimic demon king in a run-down old house. At first, no one knew what was going on, assuming that the place had just gone moldy.
After breathing the mold spores in, her companions turned into the following respectively: A shoddy-looking ancient robot (which the little witch found really ugly and not up to snuff when compared to alchemy), a beautiful young maiden (this team member was originally male, leading the witch to initially wonder if this was some inversion of biological sequential hermaphroditism), and a pirate (she had no idea about this one).
After some time, everyone in the squad developed identity disorders. Considering that her three companions appeared to be of the same species, they should not have exhibited such different natures, while the symptoms were, by contrast, so similar.
The little witch discovered that the mold had its own consciousness, and had a power that allowed similar lifeforms to turn into their ideal state. She did not change because she was already very pleased with herself.
The little witch decided to test the mold's unique properties.
She tried ingesting parts of it, finding it to be edible and without any side effects. Thus, it might have been a miscategorization to call it a mold, but since the mold in blue mold cheese could also be eaten, she decided to continue using that label. Something worth noting was that after a chunk had been cut away, the other mold threads would immediately disappear. Possibly a sign of a rudimentary collective intelligence.
To facilitate further communication, the little witch wanted to turn into mold — and so she did.
As it turned out, the mold colony only sent strange biological signals that needed deciphering. Through repeated observations, it seemed that their level of collective intelligence might be lower than she had previously thought.
In the end, the mold committed suicide. The little witch deciphered its way of communicating communications, and as it turned out, the colony experienced dissonance in self-perception and self-dissociation when it looked upon the little witch who had become just like them. The signals they sent had in fact been philosophical speculation "Who is me, and who am I?" Its intelligence was thus much higher than expected.
Her friends recovered, and told the little witch that this was the mimic demon king. It was a species of demon king, in the same taxonomic class as standard demon kings but not in the same order.
It was a shame. She wished she had a chance to observe more and make some more records.

Then, they encountered a chipmunk demon king, which her comrades had claimed beforehand was also a species of demon king.
It was classified as belonging to the same class and superorder as a standard demon king but was part of a different grandorder.
The chipmunk demon king looked very fierce indeed, and the little witch suspected that this aggressiveness stemmed from behaviors acquired during the gestation period and while nurturing their offspring.
Infiltrating its old nest, they found that it was male. One of her companions was eaten.
It turned out that it simply had a bad temper. The little witch decided to report the findings of this investigation to prevent the tragedy from repeating itself.
They attempted to feed the chipmunk demon king seeds to lure it out. They lost another companion in the process.
It seemed that this creature was not a vegetarian at all.
Her final companion fled. having deduced from the pattern of events thus far that he was next on the chopping block. This was an incomplete logical induction — both the process and conclusion were mistaken.
Eventually, she used high-grade boar meat to lure the chipmunk demon king into a trap. The creature's fat and fur made it resilient to fire and freezing. Though she had never dissected one, results indicated that it also had an organ enabling it to breathe underwater.
A complete vacuum was used to dispatch it in the end. It seems that it still required aerobic respiration.

Many demon kings seem very powerful, but they all have their weaknesses. The same is true for alchemical lifeforms.
Finally, the little witch had to face a standard demon king, a great demon king of the primate order.

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