The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (I)

The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (I)
The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (I)NameThe Little Witch and the Undying Fire (I)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, Non-Codex Series, loc_fam_book_family_6969410
DescriptionThe binding and layout are exquisitely made, but the actual content is all handwritten. Judging from the handwriting, there is more than one author. "Don't fuss about WHAT we're writing, the cover needs to look good! That's the only way it'll give off that 'masterpiece' feeling."

Item Story

This is the story of a little witch who journeyed far and wide to find the "undying fire."
The story begins as such, in the westernmost part of the magic continent, where a young witch was undergoing her "Witch Certification and Final Trial." As per convention, one need only pass this trial to qualify as a true witch.
The trial required lots to be drawn, and the results were completely random, a format which resulted in frequent accidents. But the magic continent was nothing if not firm in its adherence to tradition, and so, if you would believe it, they've stuck to the rules of drawing lots for trials since the very most ancient of times!
There's a law in the outside world known as "Morphy's Law." That's how you write it, right...? Anyway! It means that bad things you worry about happening are probably going to happen. And thus did a completely unsurprising surprise strike the little witch!
Some little witches got very simple tasks: stuff like synthesizing the final solution to the material world, the Philosopher's Stone, or bringing back baleen from a titanic universe-roaming whale, or perhaps figuring how to get to a parallel universe to find a no-longer-extant grimoire lost to a great, ancient magical war... and so on and so on.
But our main protagonist drew a topic of terrible, troubling tribulation — to find and bring back the "undying fire." Perhaps her honored teacher might have an opinion on this subject?
Her teacher was just enjoying a most wonderful teatime with her friends, and she comforted her student. "It must be because you're fated to become a really great witch, so, your topic's a little harder than most. Unsolved mysteries are the most interesting, after all!"
"That's right. When you come back, I'll be sure to welcome you with a tea party, one lovelier than this one, even!"
The teacher's friends whispered to her: "Hey now, isn't that a bit much? You obviously only made up that question because you couldn't be bothered to think up a real exam question. If such a thing even existed, we'd have perpetual motion machines by now, don't you think!? Couldn't you have done something else — you know, made her prove the Grand Unified Theory based on the Unified Electroweak Theory or something?"
"Oh, don't you worry! Life is full of a great many lies," the teacher spoke brazenly, "and I did not lie, did I? I know that the 'undying fire' does indeed exist. That blazing star... Huh. Hang on, when did I see it again... Must've forgotten."
The teacher spun around to her pupil, saying: "Ahem! Considering that your trial is indeed quite challenging, you shall have three times the normal amount of time to complete it! Hehe, I'll be rooting for you!"

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