Goddess’s Manuscript (I)

Goddess's Manuscript (I)
Goddess's Manuscript (I)NameGoddess's Manuscript (I)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, loc_fam_book_family_6969393
DescriptionA story written by the creator of this world. This is the blueprint that birthed Simulanka, a history that brooks no doubt.

Item Story

Brave Francois mounted the haystack,\npicked up a fork
and planted it tines-down atop the mountain\nof grass. Behind him was a large,
bright moon.

He shouted out the names of everyone\nin the village. The Village Chief
was first to be named, and so frightened\nwas he that he wished\nto climb up the haystack
And stop up Francois's mouth.
"Are you crazy!? You're yelling so loudly
the dragon might show up!"
"You good-for-nothing!\nHave you not seen how the windmill
everyone built has been destroyed\nby the dragon!?
And here you are,\nworrying if it'll return!?" Francois
really would have loved to kick him off\nthe haystack, but held back
given that the Chief, too,\nwas worried for the villagers'
Francois saw that nigh all\nthe villagers had arrived,
and so he cleared his throat.\n"Dear neighbors and kin,
think you still that we must endure this?"
"No, of course not, but we cannot
do anything about the dragon,"\nsaid the grocer.
"Who says so? Did I not leap onto its neck
from the windmill blades,\nstepping on it twice, and did
it not fall down and flee?"
Perhaps everyone worked so hard\nto build the mill
that was destroyed, everyone's emotions\nbeca█e █nflamed.
Lift█n██their fists, they decided\nto tak███n the dragon!
But Francois lifted his own hands,\nand calmed the crowd:
"Let us go home for today, everyone.\nEveryone's present
lack of self-preservation is not bravery,\nbut rather wrath.
If we yet desire to face danger after\ncalming ourselves, only then may we
truthfully call our sentiment 'valor.'"
So everyone went home.\nThe next day, there were still many
youngsters who wished to follow\nFrancois to take on the wicked dragon.
Who would have known that the valiant\npossess the protection of the goddess's
Radiant Charter? Encountering true "valor,"
The dragon could neither spout fire\nnor slash with claws, and was forced to
allow the other party\nto call pauses and switch personnel.
And so, after several days\nand nights of fierce fighting, the
wicked dragon could no longer bear it,\nand chose to surrender.

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