Witness Pact

Witness Pact
Witness PactNameWitness Pact
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item
DescriptionA document that seems to be of considerable age. Who knows how long it's been here?

Item Story

In the name of the elders of our three tribes, we hereby form this pact
that from this day forth, our peoples shall harm one another no more.
No more shall we drip glue into each other's breakfasts,
Nor strike each other's heads with pickaxes,
Nor secretly drink growth serum that does not belong to us.
We acknowledge the truth that has been determined by the great clockwork key,
and we shall see the family of truth as supreme.

Three witnesses to history, within the Future Marquis' Abode-To-Be,
Quietly awaiting the Marquis of Carabas, who is foretold will pluck up the great clockwork key.
Let this esteemed one guide us, revealing one truth and two fictions.

Of course, if the highest house has not been selected,
Then we may yet contend in private, within permissible limits.
—But no more glue. It does far too much harm,
And is utterly inhumane.

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