Athos’s Confession

Athos's Confession
Athos's ConfessionNameAthos's Confession
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyHarmost's Notes (II), Non-Codex Series
DescriptionA clear bottle with a note that contains events from the life of someone named Athos and a strange drawing on the back. You followed the clues on the paper and found the treasure they left behind.

Item Story

Athos's Grocery sold vegetables, kitchenware, and sewing materials.
It was Athos's pride and joy, but the jeweler Brandt used underhanded methods to destroy both his stall and his life.
Athos stabbed him to death in revenge and dumped his corpse in the Salacia Plain.
To murder someone is, of course, a crime. But is the victim necessarily entirely innocent?
Brandt got his just deserts, while Athos will spend the rest of his life in hiding.

All those who know the full story, if you are willing to help Athos get the truth out,
Please look for the thank-you gifts he has left on the beach between the waterfalls. Your kindness should be rewarded.

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