Rouge’s Writings

Rouge's Writings
Rouge's WritingsNameRouge's Writings
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, loc_fam_book_family_6969341
DescriptionA clear bottle with a note that contains the records of someone named Rouge and a strange drawing on the back.

Item Story

Real names are of no consequence. He roams the land of Fontaine, which he loves most, under the name Rouge.
He shall bring those who seek justice, equality, and hope together.
And they will dedicate themselves to aiding those who have fallen into hardship and poverty.
The world is full of inequity, poverty, and greed.
And until the day all this is wiped away, they will roam their beloved land, Fontaine.

Having read this far, friend, are you willing to take an oath and continue that work?
If you share their ideals, find the withered tree on which the fruit of wisdom grows.
There, ask three times to receive Rouge's honor and tribute.

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