Rocky Avildsen’s Disappearance

Rocky Avildsen's Disappearance
Rocky Avildsen's DisappearanceNameRocky Avildsen's Disappearance
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Ancient Engravings
DescriptionA clear bottle with a note that contains the history of someone named Rocky Avildsen and a strange drawing on the back.

Item Story

He achieved nothing, he loved no one. He wasted his life in the duelists' ring.
After decades of living like that, Rocky Avildsen found everything he owned usurped by his butler, Brandt.
His assets and reputation now belonging to another, he went into self-imposed exile.
He dedicated the remainder of his life to his selfless friends, in pursuit of their dreams.

Friend, you who know of his journey, even be it from accidentally finding this letter,
Or because you have come to discover his fate for the Avildsen family's glory,
Go and collect his assets, his final gift to the world.

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