A Story

A Story
A StoryNameA Story
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item

Item Story

A long, long time ago, in a place far, far away, there was once a beautiful and kind Princess named Lyris... and yup, she's our main character!
"I don't want this name. It's not what you said before."
Oh, come on, it's just a story, there's no need to be so fussy. And so the story goes...
Anyway, a protagonist needs an antagonist... an evil one, at that!
And our evil antagonist... Well, that's the dragon Narcissus. So evil is he that the peace-loving people tremble at the sound of his name— not that he cares about their feelings, though.
He sowed destruction across the land with the searing flames he spewed from his mouth. His great wings turned cities to dust and his burning breath reduced nations to ash.
At last, only the Princess's realm remained safe. But because the Princess worked tirelessly to defend her realm, Narcissus's plot to destroy everything could not succeed.
"So, in Narcissus's story, I'm the evil villain?"
Oh? That could be the case, were he the one telling the tale. Something like "and my plans would have succeeded, if not for that blasted Princess Lyris"... or something like that.
Ah, no. I told you that it's just a story, right? Princess Lyris is just a character, she's made up. You're you, and you're real. Don't get mixed up, okay?
"I don't get it..."
Oh, be patient. Stop cutting me off! Just let me finish the story first, alright? Now, where were we?
Oh, I almost forgot. Our protagonist needs assistants. Princess Lyris, kind and beautiful as she is, must surely have a ton of friends who are willing to lend a helping hand.
Let me see... Princess Lyris has a whole bunch of brave and loyal friends, like Al and Ney...
"That can't be."
Come on! It's just a story. Anything is possible! In our version, Al and Ney are both friends with Lyris.
Ah, yes, what was Lyris's other friend's name again? The little guy with flaxen hair.
"He's not my friend."
But Princess Lyris can be friends with him, right? I wanna be friends with him too. So, let's let him come along, shall we? What's his name, again?
"Alright. Let's call him Kate."
Ah! Then Colonel Kate it is. I mean, he's always got that cool and aloof feel to him. Plus, he's always buried in books, so a rank like that really suits him.
Well, there we have it — we've assembled all the characters for the story! The fearsome dragon, Narcissus, sought to destroy every kingdom upon the land, while Princess Lyris's realm stood strong and unassailable under the protection of her and her trusty friends!
"Yeah, I get it. And just as in those stories, the princess and her friends lived happily ever after, forever and ever."
That's how stories end!

We've only just begun. We haven't even reached the exciting parts yet.
"Exciting parts?"
Of course. After all, why would Narcissus want to destroy everything? And how would Lyris protect everybody? Aren't you the least bit curious about that?
"Knowing the ending is good enough, isn't it?"
Well, that wouldn't be much fun, would it? The endings may seem alike, but the twists and turns in each story set them apart.
Just like our story, the lonely Narcissus coveted Lyris's treasure and envied her beauty and kindness, for they were what the dragon once possessed but later lost.
As for the treasure that Lyris possesses... let's just say that it's "time."
That's right! Al once told me, as I recall, that clocks are proof that "people want to hold time in their hands," and Ney said that time always seems to be running out. And Lyris has been lonely for a very long time, hasn't she? If she has friends, if she could share her "time" with them, then she would be happy! So let's say Narcissus failed to invade Lyris's realm, for she had shared all this time with her friends. So when they fought him, they had more time on their side — that's why the dragon was no match for Lyris's friends!
Think about it, Lyris — if we had more time, wouldn't we be able to do more things? For example, Al could strike Narcissus three or four more times — he'd be way stronger with more time! Yup, so that's how we're doing this!
Following that, Lyris's friends made use of the time she had shared with them to thwart Narcissus again and again.
However, the cunning dragon discovered their secret. Like a patient viper, he kept sending his armies to attack, depleting Lyris's time.
Thus did Princess Lyris sacrifice much to protect the kingdom and help her friends win their battles. Over time, she forgot about her friends, because she had given away her past. She no longer laughed and played with her friends, as she had given away her time in the present...
One day, finally, the once cheerful spring water fell silent and gloom filled the skies with Narcissus's coming, his wings spread wide. Despite the valiant efforts of Lyris's friends in battle, the dragon was unstoppable, for she had no more time to share with them. The dragon soon arrived before the palace.
In the final moments, Lyris gathered her friends, whose names she had no longer remembered, around her and entrusted them with the most precious thing in the world. It was a pure drop of water — yes, as pure as you are.
She said, "This is my future. Take it with you."
She said: "Even if I and the kingdom become subject to Narcissus, it shall not matter, for my 'future' shall lie with you."
Then, she made them a promise. "Even if we have lost our shared 'past' and 'present,' as long as we hold on to the future, the time will come again when we shall reunite, and the kingdom will shine again once more."
At that moment, the dragon's army blew down the castle gates open with cannon-fire. Lyris urged her friends to flee, which they did only with great difficulty and tearstained faces. Now having lost her future, Princess Lyris, along with the tower she lived in, fell into a stagnant slumber devoid of dreams.
So fell the last remaining kingdom of light. Lyris's friends hid in the darkness and endured hardships for a long time. Yet they remained united, bound together by the future the princess had promised them. Well, how do you find the story now?
"I don't understand. The past, the present, and the future... I don't get them either. We have no future after such a disaster."
You see, Al is working hard to assist Lord Neville and secure our future. And aren't you, Ney, and Jak all striving together to create one? Together — that's how we've created much of our "past," right? Now, we are united in the "present," we can surely be together in the "future," too. We'll share the burden of many sorrows and create many joyful moments, too.
"Yup, I know..."
"...What about the story, then? What happened to the princess?"
Hmm... We'll have to save that for another story. Ah, I'm running short on time. Need to head back with that silly dog of mine. I'll share the rest with you next time!
Oh, come on, don't be like that... Alright, how about I come up with the beginning, and you tell me the rest next time? Ahem. Let me think...

"A long, long time in the future, in a place far, far away..."
There was a dark empire ruled by the fell dragon Narcissus.
The princess he once yearned for had, together with the high tower in which she lived, plunged into a stagnant slumber devoid of dreams, thus remaining untouched by the evil dragon. This enraged Narcissus, so he sent out countless minions to scour the empire for her treasure. He also set up many defensive mechanisms using his baleful sorceries to prevent those on the side of justice from resisting him. He swore that he would reclaim the princess' treasure and awaken her, for only then could he claim her wholly for his own.
There was a group of heroes who protected the treasure that the princess had entrusted to them - a clear, bright pearl of water.
One day, a tiny life was born from this pearl of water.
Hmm... and what shall we call this life? Ah, what a pain. If I had known that this was how the story might go, I would've used your name here. Any ideas?

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