Missive From Sumeru

Missive From Sumeru
Missive From SumeruNameMissive From Sumeru
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item
DescriptionA letter.

Item Story

Dear Haniyyah,
Thank you for your and Souka's help during this time!
The last time Souka took me to see my Fungi friend, I noticed that though Twirly-Whirly's appearance hadn't changed much at first glance, I could feel that its skin was much more smooth and elastic, and its strength undoubtedly greater. Perhaps after a short while more, it will even be able to float with me atop it. I'm rather looking forward to it, I must say!
The Marvelous Jellies' effects really are amazing. They can allow our shroom friends to grow more healthily, they save time and effort, and they even keep the Fungi from leaching the fertility of the rainforest soil.
Perhaps, if I were to explain the effects of the Jellies to the Mahamata, they would no longer have to worry about our Fungi friends fighting for nutrients with the plants within the city, and any further residence applications on their behalf should go more smoothly.
Najah is busy with some of the business that comes with becoming a researcher, and things have been a bit tight with my thesis — meaning that we're both a little pressed for time at the moment — but don't worry, I'll find a suitable opportunity to speak to the Mahamata about this.
Najah has been very earnest in repeatedly emphasizing that she "will most certainly cleanse the stain that Kautilya has left on the field of Fungus Studies." I'm confident that she'll be able to convince all the administrators. Once she finishes the improvements to the Wisdom Orbs, I believe that our fungal friends will definitely be able to claim a place in our lives alongside cats, dogs, and Sumpter Beasts alike.
There are still a few other interesting things I want to tell you, but I'll leave them for the next time we meet.
Once you finalize plans for the next tournament, do tell me — I'll do my best to help you out!

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