Records of Mt. Damavand: Part III

Records of Mt. Damavand: Part III
Records of Mt. Damavand: Part IIINameRecords of Mt. Damavand: Part III
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Familyloc_fam_book_family_6969242, Non-Codex Series
DescriptionRecords of Mt. Damavand: Part III

Item Story

...The maintenance funds provided by His Majesty Parvezravan have been decreased by... times ten thousand silvers...
...The priestess was silent when asked where this money went. What future has she foreseen?
...Does His Majesty not know of the great danger the reservoir is in? Or is he content to stand by and watch?

...The malfunctioning filtration system has already rendered Panjvahe's irrigation canal network unusable. There is mud and sand everywhere, so much so that even constructs that sink into the muck become completely immobile.
...The once-thriving agricultural regions have seen their wealthy move away en masse. Has no one petitioned Parvezravan concerning this?
...And Lady Ferigees now lacks even the strength for wrath...

...The ancient legends say that the judgment that once descended from the heavens sleeps under Mt. Damavand. Perhaps the time for judgment draws near again...

...It is hard to believe that His Majesty Parvezravan may be bewitched by spectacles conjured by Jinn slaves, and yet he cannot see the foundations of the very earth coming loose under his feet...

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