Haniyyah’s Notes

Haniyyah's Notes
Haniyyah's NotesNameHaniyyah's Notes
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item
DescriptionOld notes left by Haniyyah that seem to be about her family.

Item Story

(Most pages are stained with something. Only a few words are legible.)
(The stain seems to be... dried blood from years ago?)
Merchant Log, Expedition No. 39
Date: Unknown, probably the fourth day after the Fungi assault
Sumpter Beasts are all too weak to move. Medications ran out. The remaining food and water can last us two days at most.
Some of us were injured and are getting weaker because of their wounds. So are my two children... Things can't be any worse...
If we can't find any help by the next sunset, we will be done for.
While writing this log, I went over all the details back and forth and convinced myself that there had been absolutely no sign of Fungi activity in the vicinity of our campsite.
And our cargo contained nothing but ordinary goods, so it couldn't have possibly enraged the Fungi.
I've never seen Fungi so furious that they'd even travel an extremely long distance just to attack us.
None of this makes any sense... Wait... Could it be that the Fungi people spotted before didn't bare their fangs?
Those people who thought that Fungi are cute... have they all been fooled by their harmless appearance?
If I can make it back alive, I must warn everyone: Never approach any Fungus, even when accompanied by a dozen of guards.
Nobody knows what triggers their rage, they are unpredictable.
Worst-case scenario, we become the warning ourselves.

Merchant Log, Expedition No. 39
Day 10 of the Fungi Invasion:
Thankfully, we came across a group of farmers in the nearby area. They seem to have been trapped here by the aggressive Fungi too, and have set up a temporary camp.
The kind farmers brought sufficient provisions and medicinal herbs, and almost saved all of us.
But there were still several people who did not make it...
The Fungi surrounding this area are increasing in number, and they're still in that berserk state.
We can't leave just yet, at least not before the Fungi are gone... if they ever leave.
It looks like we'll be staying here for a good while.

Merchant Log, Expedition No. 39
Day 42 of the Fungi Invasion:
I never thought that I'd become trapped by a bunch of Fungi for so long. I still can't see any hope of getting away from this place.
Rabib took his axe and made an attempt to go fight the Fungi, but he was stopped by the other farmers. Everyone knows that none of us are going to last long without the leader of the farmers around...
But if the circumstances are enough to make the calmest and most composed farmer lose his cool, I can only imagine what the others feel. Everyone must be feeling pretty frustrated by now.
The Zaytun Peaches we picked from nearby areas and the remaining provisions are going to last a few more weeks.
Following the farmers' suggestions, we have started looking for suitable seeds to grow our own food.
And the camp needs an expansion. We have to make plans for the long term — we might eventually have to turn this place into a small village.
A village full of Fungi victims? How absurd...
Hopefully, we'll manage to keep ourselves from starving to death before the crops mature.

Merchant Log, Expedition No. 39
Day 133 of the Fungi Invasion:
After all these days being trapped by the Fungi, it was the first time we met people from outside.
The three of them claimed to be researchers from the Akademiya and showed us proof of identification. But they were dressed nothing different from common civilians, as if they were trying to keep a low profile.
The mercenaries they hired had rather formidable and ruthless looks. Clearly they were seasoned professionals, or they couldn't have broken through the siege of Fungi to get here.
The leading researcher promised that they'll let us leave with them once they're done investigating.
But they demanded our absolute secrecy on the Fungi assaults. They also declared that they would leave no trace of this village's existence afterward.
Then they gave Rabib and me a generous sum of Mora for our cooperation and asked us to convince those who were most emotionally unstable to follow their orders.
Even without their request, I would've gone ahead and comforted everyone anyway. As for my share of Mora, I'm planning to leave it to the families of those who couldn't make it.
As things stand, I myself also want to figure out why the Fungi assaulted us out of the blue.

Merchant Log, Expedition No. 39
Day 3 of the investigation:
The leading researcher still refuses to tell us his name. Perhaps he feels embarrassed for being sent here to clean up after this mess.
Regardless, the three researchers seemed unfamiliar with the landscape around, and their mercenaries were clever enough to not be overly cautious. When I offered to help them as a guide, they accepted my offer.
So I got the chance to join them in the investigation. I also took the opportunity to look through the researchers' materials while they were asleep.
In the least, I must find out why some of us were killed. Their lives shouldn't have been taken away for no reason.
The mercenaries were quite reasonable and turned a blind eye to my actions. They must've understood the perils of the task they had undertaken.
When you and your companions are on the same page concerning the dangers, you are more likely to avoid accidents.

Merchant Log, Expedition No. 39
Day 7 of the Investigation:
The researchers seem to be planning to use some kind of capturing device to control the aggressive Fungi.
The codename of the device is... a string of complicated terminology. They've also included a license of approval from the Akademiya...
In addition, they're preparing something called the Withering Potion to suppress the Fungi's activity, making them easier to control.
The Withering Potion also came with complex notes and official approval from the Akademiya.
Anyway, I'll record the information down for now.
(The bottom half of this page is filled with complex terms and comments. It's not hard to infer that whoever wrote them down did so by copying the researcher's notes word by word under a dim light...)

Merchant Log, Expedition No. 39
Day 13 of the Investigation:
We failed again. When we returned to the village, two seriously wounded mercenaries insisted on quitting.
Before going to bed, I heard the lead researcher arguing with a few subordinates.
One of them tried to convince the lead researcher to give up on the Withering Potion, saying that they have gotten its function wrong from the very beginning. The outcome contradicted their expectations, and it could very well lead to their deaths.
Another subordinate was yelling curses at an unfamiliar person. Judging from the details of their argument, it seems like someone has made a grave mistake.
They're here to settle this mess, but upon witnessing the state of things, they start planning to drop everything and run.
Something doesn't feel right, but I still need more evidence to make sure...

Contents compiled after combining the clues:
(The device remnants and the remains of the files that Dori gave you contain the same license of approval as the device recorded in the notes has. Evidently, these devices were considered technologically identical by the Akademiya.)
(Similarly, the formula for floral jelly shares many basic ingredients and medicinal principles with the Withering Potion from the notes. The only difference is that the amount of certain active ingredients applied in the Floral Jelly is much lower than that of the Withering Potion. Also, protective ingredients and so-called stabilizers were added to the Floral Jelly.)
(At this point, it can be roughly deduced that the remnants of the instrument that the organizer of the Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament attempted to destroy utilized the technological outcomes of the capturing device.)
(And the Floral Jelly can be deemed as an upgrade of the Withering Potion with enhanced safety that can trigger a temporary boost to the activity of Fungi and let them gain some special powers while being activated.)

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