Incomplete Medical Records

Incomplete Medical Records
Incomplete Medical RecordsNameIncomplete Medical Records
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item

Item Story

(Most of this text's contents have been burned and the surviving contents make for difficult reading.)
...The afflicted show symptoms, among others, of peeling skin and proliferation of hair, and worst of all, severe facial ulceration...
...The cause of this malady is unknown, and due to the lack of necessary medical supplies, emergency bandaging has been mandated...
...The scabbed sections appear to have formed a new layer of skin...
...Many of the afflicted have begun to show signs of language impairment. It is presently unclear if this was caused by pharyngeal damage...
...The first cases are receiving centralized treatment according to orders from above. In most cases, rational capacity can no longer be clearly determined...

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