Diagnostic Report

Diagnostic Report
Diagnostic ReportNameDiagnostic Report
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item
DescriptionA complete set of medical documentation that seems to have been extracted from a larger book.

Item Story

Treatment subject: Abbas. Gender: Male. Occupation: Farmer.
Doctor in charge: ███

After 20 weeks of treatment, Specimen IV's new skin and new left arm have recovered well. No changes in appetite or sleep.
Mental state fluctuates beyond the normal range. There have been multiple attempts to leave the care area. "God's voice guides me" is cited as motivation, and the specimen is believed to have delusional tendencies. Additionally, the "God's voice" described in the confession is possibly related to the Resonant Quake phenomenon present in the internal topographic structure of the dunes. This should be investigated to rule out ungovernable input interference.
Increase supervision.

Treatment Protocol
The second phase of the ███ trial is beginning to see results. The next phase ██████. Objective: Specimen IV's organs ███████████████ Following extensive examination, Sample III is the best material for the third phase of the ███ trial.
Before the implementation of ███, ██████████████████████ is required. Continuous vomiting and skin ███ is a normal occurrence. ███████████████████ must be prepared beforehand for Specimen IV to maintain the circulation of ███████████████.
After completion of the basic ███ operation, observe the subject for one week. If normal physiological activity is observed in the organs, the rate of deterioration of surface scabs is reduced, and limb function is restored, the next phase of the ███ trial can commence.

Physician's Note
All specimens have one thing in common. Body elemental quantities were at abnormally high levels, and were positively correlated with the severity of the disease. After the ███ experiment, body elemental quantities were reduced, and samples self-reported a reduction in symptoms. It is reasonable to hypothesize that there is a causal relationship between elemental quantities and "Eleazar." More controlled trials should be conducted to exclude redundant variables.
Note: The enrichment process of elemental quantities in humans may be dynamically sustained.
After the completion of early ███ experiments, within a short period of time, Specimen I's physical indicators trended to the norm. In later stages, due to ███ not being complete, the quantity of elements in the sample bodies rebounded, and symptoms increased, leading to Specimen I ████████. Could not be recycled for materials.
Information obtained: Preparations must be made for long-term trials. ███ cannot be stopped before the specimens' symptoms have stabilized. Due to the nature of the trial, there must be a method to stabilize the sample's moods. Removal of ███ may be attempted.
Following the new method, the material rejection rate has been significantly reduced. Specimens II and III developed mental instability due to associative connections to fundamental inner qualities of ███, and tended to attribute the disease to unverifiable "divine punishment," consequently considering it "blasphemy" to accept ███ as treatment. It is a very interesting thought. Exploring neurostimulation and the resulting cognitive shifts could be a future research topic.
Due to the above uncontrollable variables, they halted at Stage 2. A shame. However, the materials provided by these two samples were the best quality materials so far. It is reasonable to believe that the perfect performance of Specimen IV is related to the material quality provided by these two samples. Ultimately, once the three-stage experiment was completed, Specimen IV's symptoms disappeared completely, proving that:
It is possible to use ███ to control the elemental content of a person's body without relying on elemental power. There is potential for weaponization.
Discussions of research on ███ have to be increased in the future. Humans have unlimited potential. It may be foolish for me as a researcher to write this, but with enough input, I might be able to reach the level of a "god," or so people might call it.

One response to “Diagnostic Report”

  1. Did anyone else get this in their inventories? I didn’t, and can’t find it anywhere after I read it once…


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