Medical Records

Medical Records
Medical RecordsNameMedical Records
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item
DescriptionA complete set of medical documentation that seems to have been extracted from a larger book.

Item Story

Patient Name: Abbas. Gender: Male. Occupation: Farmer.
Basic Status at Admission:
Scabby skin at limb extremities. Multiple ulcers on the back, chest, and other bodily surfaces. Weakness of limbs and poor mobility observed.
Mental faculties are coherent, though there are clear signs of fatigue, poor sleep quality, and poor appetite.
Doctor in charge: Amoudi

Week 1 of Hospitalization:
New scabs at limb extremities and enlarged ulcers. The left arm seems unusable and is in pain.
Mental faculties are coherent, though there are clear signs of fatigue, poor sleep quality, and poor appetite.
Doctor in charge: Amoudi

Week 3 of Hospitalization:
The scabs are scale-like and have spread across the surface of the body. There is necrosis in multiple ulcers. The patient has fallen into a coma.
Doctor in charge: Amoudi

Week 9 of Hospitalization:
The necrosis of the ulcers has been effectively kept under control, and no new scabs have appeared on the surface of the body. The patient is in a comatose state.
Doctor in charge: ███

Week 15 of Hospitalization:
The wound from the replacement treatment has not healed, even after a long time.
No new scabs have appeared on the surface of the body. There is weakness in the limbs, and the patient cannot grasp items on their own. The patient is also experiencing fever and vomiting.
Mental faculties are coherent, though fatigued. Poor sleep, and unable to eat.
Doctor in charge: ███

Week 21 of Hospitalization:
We have started to manage to keep the scabs on the body surface under control, and the new limb's function has been restored. The patient is experiencing chronic coughing and is prone to fainting.
Mental faculties are coherent and in a good state. Sleep quality and appetite are decent.
Doctor in charge: ███

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