| Name | Delicious Lambad Fish Roll |
Type (Ingame) | Food |
Family | Crafted Item, Buff Item, Food, Delicious Food |
Rarity | |
Effect | Restores 10% of Max HP and an additional 1,200 HP to the selected character. |
Item Source (Ingame) | Obtained by cooking
Description | A grilled fish dish with a faint floral scent. The rolling golden fish meat and fragrant rose petals remind you of the billowing waves on the sea surface, colored crimson by the setting sun. You see why the dish is also called "the Romance of Sailors." W—Wait just a minute! Does this mean that Lambad's adventure stories are not exaggerated after all? |
Technically Lan Yan can also get the full passive, and any catalyst (except for Barbara and Nahida,...