| Name | Lightning Prism |
Type (Ingame) | Character Level-Up Material |
Family | Character Ascension Item, Char Elemental Stone |
Rarity |     |
Alternative Item Source (Ingame) | Dropped by Lv. 30+ Electro Hypostases
Description | An Electro Hypostasis channels nearby elemental energy to repair damaged elemental entities. Contains the essence of Electro energy. An ordinary prism separates white light into its component colors; a Lightning Prism, however, channels flowing energies and weaves them into lightning. It will continue to do so even after the Electro Hypostasis has been defeated. |
Description (Codex) | An Electro Hypostasis channels nearby elemental energy to repair damaged elemental entities. Contains the essence of Electro energy. An ordinary prism separates white light into its component colors; a Lightning Prism, however, channels flowing energies and weaves them into lightning. It will continue to do so even after the Electro Hypostasis has been defeated. |
2 responses to “Lightning Prism”
sono riuscita a trovare o costruire questa oggettistica
costruire non penso però..