| Name | Frostshield Potion |
Type (Ingame) | Potion |
Family | Crafted Item, Buff Item, Potion |
Rarity | |
Effect | Increases all party members' Cryo RES by 25% for 300s. |
Item Source (Ingame) | Crafted
Description | A miraculous potion that boosts Cryo RES and makes one able to withstand extreme cold. Induces a chilling sensation when drank, but once this sensation spreads throughout the body, the feeling of being cold disappears. |
Description (Codex) | A miraculous potion that helps one acclimate to extreme cold. Induces a chilling sensation when drank, but once this sensation spreads throughout the body, the feeling of being cold disappears. |
It was rumored that she'll be in standard banner from 5.5 and maybe has a chance to be in chronicle...