| Name | Delicious Golden Fried Chicken |
Type (Ingame) | Food |
Family | Crafted Item, Buff Item, Food, Vendor Food |
Rarity |     |
Effect | Increases all party members' ATK by 320 and CRIT Rate by 10% for 300s. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s). |
Item Source (Ingame) | Obtained by cooking
Description | Fowl that has been seasoned and then fried. The golden outer skin has all but sealed the abundant juices into the meat, leading to absolute enjoyment with each bite. The taste at your fingertips will linger in memory far longer than the instant it takes to reduce the meal to nothing but slim bones. |
Right forgot about the kid. Dunno why but I’m getting some cyberpunk vibes from Nod-Krai. Might...