| Name | Delicious Oncidium Tofu |
Type (Ingame) | Food |
Family | Crafted Item, Food, Vendor Food |
Rarity |    |
Effect | Restores 100 Stamina. |
Item Source (Ingame) | Obtained by cooking
Description | A dish that is a test of one's knifework. The tofu, thread-thin as the autumn leaves, floats amidst the bowl, like mist in a forest, and the shredded bamboo shoots give the image a sweet, lustrous sheen, while the broth combines the essence of fowl and ham, giving off an unbelievable aroma. A single taste is enough to cause the customer to lose themselves in this fog of flavor. |
I saw some sus leaks about her, I'm so hyped ! =D I saw something about her possibly being cryo pol...