| Name | Zhongyuan Chop Suey |
Type (Ingame) | Food |
Family | Crafted Item, Buff Item, Food, Vendor Food |
Rarity |    |
Effect | Decreases all party members' climbing and sprinting Stamina consumption by 20% for 900s. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s). |
Item Source (Ingame) | Obtained by cooking
Description | A seasoned and cooked meat dish. Though it contains animal organ meat and bits and scraps of other things, the strong-flavored seasonings have masked the stench of the meat. Many have had this dish for the entirety of their lives without knowing "chop suey" is not actually a swear word in the local language. |
I saw some sus leaks about her, I'm so hyped ! =D I saw something about her possibly being cryo pol...