Peach of the Deep Waves

Peach of the Deep Waves
Peach of the Deep WavesNamePeach of the Deep Waves
FamilyHomeworld, Outdoor Ornamental Fish, Exterior Furniture, Indoor Ornamental Fish, Indoor Furniture, Furniture
PlacementExterior, Indoor
Regular Variant
Peach of the Deep Waves
Peach of the Deep Waves
Related Monster
Peach of the Deep Waves
Peach of the Deep Waves
Capturable with Net?
Attracted by Bait
Sugardew Bait
Sugardew Bait
Adeptal Energy
Load0 (0)
DescriptionA valuable Ornamental Fish that may be kept as a pet in the Pool of Sapphire Grace and Shaded Clarity.
This medium-sized, round fish has horn-like cartilage that is used to dig underwater burrows, build shelters, and drive away creatures that try to harm it.
This species' whole body is pink and the tail fin is green, colors that are associated with the Zaytun Peach. These fish are, as their name suggests, so sweet that they are considered "suitable for dessert."
Doubtless, owing to various factors, the fish dessert that the fish chefs were hoping to create did not pan out. Because this type of fish is rare and expensive, it is often farmed as an ornamental fish.
There is a large customer base that doesn't want to spend too much Mora on this kind of pufferfish, but nevertheless can't get enough of its bright colors. There are even enterprising businessmen who have managed to reverse this phenomenon, modeling their Zaytun Peaches after these pufferfish. The sales of those are pretty good.

Table of Content
Fish Spawn
Map Location

Fish Spawn

Fishing Pond

IconNameAnytimeDuring DayDuring NightGuaranteed SpawnRecipe
Mawtiyima Forest
Mawtiyima Forest
Lazurite Axe Marlin7.35%
Lazurite Axe Marlin0.49%
Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller7.35%
Purple Shirakodai0.49%
Peach of the Deep Waves78.43%
Peach of the Deep Waves5.88%
Lazurite Axe Marlin31.25%
Lazurite Axe Marlin2.08%
Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller31.25%
Purple Shirakodai2.08%
Sunset Cloud Angler31.25%
Sunset Cloud Angler2.08%
items per Page

Quest Fishing Pond

IconNameAnytimeDuring DayDuring NightGuaranteed SpawnRecipe
Difficulty Test Fishing Point 25 (Ad-Hoc)
Difficulty Test Fishing Point 25 (Ad-Hoc)
Peach of the Deep Waves100.0%
Peach of the Deep Waves100.0%
Difficulty Test Fishing Point 31 (Ad-Hoc)
Difficulty Test Fishing Point 31 (Ad-Hoc)
Rippling Heartfeather Bass100.0%
Peach of the Deep Waves100.0%
items per Page

Map Location

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