Storefront Furnishing: A Powerful Fragrance

Storefront Furnishing: A Powerful Fragrance
Storefront Furnishing: A Powerful FragranceNameStorefront Furnishing: A Powerful Fragrance
FamilyHomeworld, Shop Components, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
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DescriptionThis display goes at the front of the shop and features a basket filled with golden flowers with a fragrance that, while strong, perfectly meshes with the aromas of various dishes, granting them a unique flavor.
Perhaps the various scents carried on the winds of homecoming can indeed carry more subtle thoughts.
"Some customers were especially touched by our snacks, saying that they tasted very familiar — indeed, just like the ones they used to have at home."
"Paimon also could not understand what was happening, for were we not just making food as per normal?"

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