Shop Ornament: Welcome, Welcome!

Shop Ornament: Welcome, Welcome!
Shop Ornament: Welcome, Welcome!NameShop Ornament: Welcome, Welcome!
FamilyHomeworld, Shop Components, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
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DescriptionThis ornament, hung in a very visible spot at the storefront, features a set of lovely chimes that were a gift from Diona. They also seem to have some other special purpose...
"According to Diona, if the people around this place have drunk too much wine, the chimes here will start to sound, and she'll come running over..."
"But I doubt that any of our staff would slack off during opening hours, let alone drink."
"That said, if they can actually pick out customers who may have had too much to drink — even if that doesn't outwardly show — that would be great!"
"Paimon and I have agreed that we will welcome them... and then recommend some snacks to help them fix their hangovers discretely."

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