Rainjade Statuette: Tender Discourse

Rainjade Statuette: Tender DiscourseNameRainjade Statuette: Tender Discourse
FamilyHomeworld, Special Object, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy100 
Load65 (65)
AE/L Ratio1.54 (1.54)
DescriptionA strangely shaped stone carving that imitates the form of the Carefree Simulacra scattered throughout Chenyu Vale. It appears nearly identical to the originals, besides possessing no magical power whatsoever.
It is said that these stone carvings were first made by the ancestors of the people of Chenyu Vale, but none can say why they chose such a shape, or why this shape gives people a carefree feeling...

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Rainjade Oblation
Rainjade Oblation
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