Key Fence: Self-Restraint

Key Fence: Self-Restraint
Key Fence: Self-RestraintNameKey Fence: Self-Restraint
FamilyCrafted Item, Homeworld, Courtyard Wall, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy60 
Load65 (47)
AE/L Ratio0.92 (1.28)
DescriptionA fence built using Aralia Wood. Though they call it a "fence," the gaps between each section are so large that even a grown man could slip between them with ease. As such, these fences are but a boundary marker at best.
A certain superintendent of the Police Station once said that such fences were only meant to send a message to the people. If even the Police Station had to be walled and fenced all-around with a double guard all year round, then would this not indicate that Inazuma City's security at large was woefully lacking? On the other hand, should the fences be open on all sides, even seeming nigh defenseless, the people would have confidence that the city's security was well in hand. I mean, there's no way the walls could have been constructed this way due to an oversight... Right?

Table of Content
Obtained From
Used By

Obtained From


Key Fence: Self-Restraint
Key Fence: Self-Restraint
Aralia Wood8
Blue Dye4
items per Page

Unlocked By

Key Fence: Self-Restraint
Key Fence: Self-RestraintFurniture Recipe, Recipe
items per Page

Used By

Furniture Suite

IconNameAdeptal EnergyLoadAE/L RatioConsists of
Court of the Upright
Court of the Upright1050 1895 (1410)0.55 (0.74)
Key Fence: Self-Restraint4
Sappan and Vermilion Enjoined2
Official Residence Corridor: Power's Reach2
Inazuman Official Residence: Strict Adherence1
Fence Corner: Long Watch3
Key Gateway: Beneath the Clouds1
Headquarters Alarm: Sound of Thunder1
The Red Kite's Waking and Sleeping1
War Drum: Line-Breaking Reverb2
items per Page

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