| Name | God of the Stove Statue |
Family | Homeworld, Large Ornament, Exterior Furniture, Furniture |
Rarity |     |
Placement | Exterior |
Adeptal Energy | 90  |
Load | 35 (25) |
AE/L Ratio | 2.57 (3.6) |
Description | A stone statue depicting the form of the God of the Stove, Marchosius. According to legend, "the ancients found the Stove God's shrine, but there was no statue — only a huge, smooth slab of stone." During the Moonchase Festival, the same giant stone reappeared in Liyue Harbor, and as if responding to the people's wishes, it opened when the festival was in full swing and revealed this statue inside. To quote the Stove God himself, "Dining is the profoundest of customs in the human world." Currently, the amicable Stove God has taken on another form as he continues to witness the smoky fireplaces and steaming hearths of this world. He now lives without a single worry and takes all the naps he wants — a truly carefree life indeed. |
she's the rightmost character on the mysterious shadow teaser. iansan, dahlia, ifa, skirk, mizu...