| Name | Automnequi's Watch |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, Fontaine, Exterior Furniture, Furniture |
Rarity |    |
Placement | Exterior |
Adeptal Energy | 60  |
Load | 95 (61) |
Trust | 60 |
AE/L Ratio | 0.63 (0.98) |
Description | A type of dwelling that can be seen on the western side of Mont Automnequi. It is also a commonly seen building in the countryside of Fontaine. The structure adopts a traditional mix of wood and masonry. Though its durability is far inferior to that of the large Tearstone buildings or the slag cement houses in the Court of Fontaine, it is easy to maintain and build, and does not require specialists for repairs. It is said that during the construction of the tunnel on the Clementine Line, engineers had to stay on-site to be ready to fix malfunctioning clockwork meka at any time, so they built houses patterned after the local dwellings near the tunnel. Even after experiencing intense earthquakes, the houses still stand and the walls remain upright years after the engineers left, which proves the structures' durability. |
My top favorite girl is Qiqi and then Nahida and Sigewinne ahead of Kachina and Iansan. Eat it.