Court of Justice’s Mellow Aroma

Court of Justice's Mellow Aroma
Court of Justice's Mellow AromaNameCourt of Justice's Mellow Aroma
FamilyCrafted Item, Homeworld, Fontaine, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy90 
Load655 (460)
AE/L Ratio0.14 (0.2)
DescriptionA building found in the Court of Fontaine's Vasari Passage. The famous Café Lutece combines this design with an open air patio, creating a space where customers can enjoy the coffee outside, surrounded by its aroma. It is said that construction costs in Vasari Passage are relatively low due to the use of improved slag cement. Slag cement normally contains trace amounts of a smell reminiscent of powdered ore. While it may go unnoticed by the ordinary person, for those in the catering industry, it is highly detrimental to the long-term storage of goods. Thanks to the strict aromatic standards of a previous owner of Café Lutece, and with the help of The Steambird and protests from many others in the industry throughout the city, researchers dared not ignore the issue and began researching an improved formula that removed the lingering odor. As a result, some coffee enthusiasts have nicknamed the latest generation of slag cement "Coffee Ground Cement."

Table of Content
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Court of Justice's Mellow Aroma
Court of Justice's Mellow Aroma
Cypress Wood10
White Iron Chunk8
items per Page

Unlocked By

Court of Justice's Mellow Aroma
Court of Justice's Mellow AromaFurniture Recipe, Recipe
items per Page

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Furniture Suite

IconNameAdeptal EnergyLoadAE/L RatioConsists of
Court of Justice's Booming Commerce
Court of Justice's Booming Commerce1640 3195 (2342)0.51 (0.7)
Court of Justice's Couture1
Court of Justice's Barrier9
Meka Luminaire: Radiant Path2
Court of Justice's Fragrance1
Court of Justice's Conscientiousness1
Court of Justice's Mellow Aroma1
Passage's Pristine Round Table2
Passage's Appetizing Lamp2
Passage's Languid Lifestyle5
Lane Tree: Standard Ⅰ1
Linden Wood Half-Metal Announcement Board1
items per Page

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