The Mellow Pot

The Mellow Pot
The Mellow PotNameThe Mellow Pot
FamilyCrafted Item, Homeworld, Utensil, Indoor Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy60 
Load169 (127)
AE/L Ratio0.36 (0.47)
DescriptionThese elegant and intricately-crafted cups and tray have combined the arts of metal- and clay-working together. It is said that they can bring out the greatest in whatever drink you are having. These utensils appear in establishments selling food and beverages throughout Sumeru, such as Puspa Café.
If one were to make these cups the traditional way, one might have to spend gross amounts of time and material to do so, and the price would certainly take that into account. This in turn would turn the product into a pricey collector's item, thus depriving it of any practical use whatsoever. Fortunately, the upgrading of production equipment that the Kshahrewar Darshan has promoted has decreased the difficulty of manufacturing utensils of various kinds. At this point, they have already become quite common, such that these lovely yet functional items have even found a home in Aaru Village, lacking in material wealth though it is.

Table of Content
Obtained From
Used By

Obtained From


The Mellow Pot
The Mellow Pot
White Iron Chunk4
Iron Chunk4
items per Page

Unlocked By

The Mellow Pot
The Mellow PotFurniture Recipe, Recipe
items per Page

Used By

Furniture Suite

IconNameAdeptal EnergyLoadAE/L RatioConsists of
Fervid Aroma
Fervid Aroma780 2573 (2266)0.3 (0.34)
Satisfaction of Sated Thirst2
A Choice of Delicacies1
The Crisp Sweetness1
Fragrance of Low-Heat Roast1
Aroma of High-Heat Barbecue1
Witness of Tavern Affairs1
Karmaphala Wood 2
Musing Tawny Tapestry1
Spirit of the Banquet1
The Mellow Pot1
A Farewell Brief to Bustle and Bother
A Farewell Brief to Bustle and Bother840 1628 (1292)0.52 (0.65)
Desert Desk: Hospitality1
A Lush Glimpse1
Joyful Illumination2
Adhigama Wood 2
Brightwood 3
The Olive Grove1
Spirit of the Banquet1
The Mellow Pot1
Karmaphala Wood 2
items per Page

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