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Table of Content |
Records of Gurabad: Part I |
Records of Gurabad: Part II |
Records of Gurabad: Part III |
Records of Gurabad: Part IV |
Records of Gurabad: Part V |
Records of Gurabad: Part I

![]() | Name | Records of Gurabad: Part I |
Type (Ingame) | Quest Item | |
Family | Non-Codex Series, Mercenary's Aged Notes (I) | |
Rarity | ![]() | |
Description | Records of Gurabad: Part I |
...To Lord Hibehrous, General of the Cavalry, After much deliberation, the Council of Nobles has decided to reject your request for funding... It is apparent that the shrinking of the local oases and degradation of irrigation facilities has had no impact on overall agricultural production, and that any negative consequences can be resolved via the self-regulating nature of long-term commercial and industrial operations. ...Considering the long-term state of poverty and rebellion in Panjvahe, and the increased activity of the adherents of the "Brass Mask," the Treasury believes that any sort of monetary reward, industrial or commercial investment will prove futile, and indeed, will damage the interests of the nobility... ...Do recall, Sir General, that the noble estates are the pillars of the nation. Your duty is to put these rebels and heretics down with an iron fist and to spur the people unto hard work and prosperity... not to arbitrarily request funding with which to aid the indolent and the insurgent. In the name of His Majesty, Parvezravan the Spirit of Victory, the Council of Nobles once again hereby transfers thirty riot control constructs and four hundred weapons of various types (swords, spears, crossbows among them) infused with Jinn fragments... to you, General Hibehrous, for your judicious use. |
Records of Gurabad: Part II

![]() | Name | Records of Gurabad: Part II |
Type (Ingame) | Quest Item | |
Family | Mercenary's Aged Notes (I), Non-Codex Series | |
Rarity | ![]() | |
Description | Records of Gurabad: Part II |
...To my dear friend, Mehrak... ...Three times has Hibehrous requested that funds be sent out in the name of "alleviating the situation in disaster-stricken areas" and "repairing the oases and irrigation systems," and has indeed made much ado about it, though perhaps not out of goodwill, I fear... The priests' calculations indicate that such a motion would add much unnecessary burden upon the treasury without any concrete benefit in return. ...This person is of mean birth and has no backing in the Council of Nobles. Only by the request of His Majesty Parvezravan that he quell rebellions has he attained high rank. And now, he asks for gold and silks, ruins honest folk, and rouses the rabble! Truly does he hold us nobles in contempt... ...We are but humble subjects who serve our great king out of the nobility handed down to us by our forebears. How can we hand our hard-earned fortunes over to these indolent louts and rogues? Is not the protection of one's property the most basic of rights? ...Moreover, this fellow was born to mountain shepherds, making him by nature rebellious and cruel, given to bold-faced violence. Though he may be a General of the Cavalry and may have His Majesty Parvezravan's ear... But with how he ruins the greater body to enrich himself, and how he indulges in sloth and lapsing judgment, one cannot say for sure that he is not one of Brass Mask's accomplices... ...I urge all my fellow nobles to look into this matter and stay on your guard! ...Enclosed in this letter is a certificate for 300,000 silvers, as a small token on my part... |
Records of Gurabad: Part III

![]() | Name | Records of Gurabad: Part III |
Type (Ingame) | Quest Item | |
Family | Mercenary's Aged Notes (I), Non-Codex Series | |
Rarity | ![]() | |
Description | Records of Gurabad: Part III |
His Majesty Parvezravan, the Spirit of Victory, has been lax of late in the practice of his faith in King Deshret. The temples and the carvings have not been maintained in some time. As priests, we believe that the shrinking of the oases, the deterioration of the harvests, and the rise of the Brass Mask heresy all find their roots in this lapse in faith... Failing in one's faith is tantamount to a failure of morality, and moral rot leads a nation to chaos. We urge the High Priest to remonstrate with His Majesty in time... ... ...As for the dissatisfied citizenry, clergy of all levels should spare more time and effort to teach them to love their neighbor and help to maintain order, rather than pursue these baseless fantasies... to prevent the stirring of trouble from nothing and the destabilization of society. (Much of the content in the middle has either become blurred or is missing altogether. Either way, these sections are indecipherable.) ...King Deshret no longer answers the cries of the High Priest. This bodes ill... ...Queen Shirin has ceased to be seen at court, and His Majesty Parvezravan does not ask after her whereabouts. Perhaps the folk tales of the "Demon Queen" may yet be true... Or perhaps it may be possible to exaggerate that title and turn folk-gossip to better ends, such as suppressing the spread of this Brass Mask heresy... |
Records of Gurabad: Part IV

![]() | Name | Records of Gurabad: Part IV |
Type (Ingame) | Quest Item | |
Family | Mercenary's Aged Notes (I), Non-Codex Series | |
Rarity | ![]() | |
Description | Records of Gurabad: Part IV |
...To the Council of Nobles, ...The self-assembly facilities for military constructs have been sufficiently placed within the temples, the palace, the Orchard of Pairidaeza's water supply storage areas... and other key sites. ...The threshold of King Deshret's temple has been modified to serve as an assembly practice site to better meet the constructs... needs, and to facilitate quick assembly... ...The production of Jinn fragment-infused weaponry and constructs has been expanded further, while the hiring of mortal troops has not decreased... ...We must draw manpower for military use from areas that pose a security risk, cut off any contact they might have with the rebels, and provide suitable training and living conditions such that any identification with the insurgency may be eliminated... |
Records of Gurabad: Part V

![]() | Name | Records of Gurabad: Part V |
Type (Ingame) | Quest Item | |
Family | Mercenary's Aged Notes (I), Non-Codex Series | |
Rarity | ![]() | |
Description | Records of Gurabad: Part V |
...The third and fourth honor guards have not sent word for a long while, and the Dusk Birds sent to them have not returned... ...Perhaps this is due to the ubiquitous and thick smoke. It must have scared them all away... ...It is the thirteenth day of the Great Revolt... The temple guards have resisted 4 charges this day alone... ...These people were dressed in rags, but they bore brass masks. Some of them wore masks made of wood or paper painted that color... ...Some holy statues were destroyed, and all the statues of His Majesty Parvezravan were toppled... Despite the construct forces defeating them time and time again... ...They have retreated for now, but will almost certainly be back... ...King Deshret is the god of war and order, but his temple now trembles under the footsteps of these furious people... ...The annex temple is burning, and the High Priest was dragged away... ...Habba found him while investigating the area, but not all his parts could be recovered... ...Perhaps they were fueled by overwhelming hunger, or anger... ...General Hibehrous has gone to see His Majesty. Perhaps this is the last time we shall see mighty Parvezravan give a royal order in person... |
I probably try some wishes on her after losing my 50/50 with Furina with a C5 Qiqi, if her gameplay...